Small information nuggets and recipies about Unix
✂️ Unix
Table of Contents
- Quick curl recipes
- Check and make sure a script is sourced
- Run two commands in parallel and wait for their result
- Read secret into a variable
- Increment a counter / calculate expressions
- Group and count number of multiple occurrences of the same line
- Remove path and extension from a filename
- Default missing variable to a value
- Use multiline heredoc, herestring, and var as input
- View zip or jar files
- Transforming and parsing JSON
- Special tips about sed
- Bouncing systemd services
- Using color escape sequences with echo
- Bash noop command (colon)
- List wildcard directories without showing its contents
- Continue a command in the next line
- Read lines from a file, one at a time
- Where a script is located and from where was it called
- Check for environment variables
- Recursively grep files with specific patterns
- Remove an environment variable
- Pass boolean values as parameters to bash functions
- Return values from bash functions
- Dereference bash variable param substitution/expansion
- Check if a directory is empty
- Look for empty directories
- Exclude hidden dot files and dirs when searching
- Show function definition
- Check open files
- Check open ports
- Monitor network traffic
- vi survival commands
- Remove trailing newlines
- Convert date to/form epoch
- Difference between 2 dates
- Subtract days to a date
- Current week number
- Files paches
- Dos ➔ Unix ➔ Dos
- Test a POP3 server
- Manage postfix mail queues
- Unix distribution name/version
- Shell redirections
- Common lines between two files
- Compile .po message files into .mo data files
- Create a fake blank file of any size
- Split very long xml lines in tags
- Port forwarding through remote host
- Encode string using openssl
(most recent on top)
Quick curl
- Curl Cookbook (with many other recipes)
Post json data
# `-d` implies `-X POST`
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"key": "value"}'
useful options
# Silence the progress bar
curl -s
# Show response headers
curl -i
# Follow redirects
curl -L
Check and make sure a script is sourced
# Exit if this script was not sourced as an import
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
>&2 echo "Error: Must run as an import source" # stderr
>&2 echo "Try: source \"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}\"" # stderr
Run two commands in parallel and wait for their result
command1 &
command2 &
wait %1 && wait %2
echo $?
Read secret into a variable
read -s TOKEN # silent typing
read -s -p "Token?" TOKEN # … with prompt
Increment a counter / calculate expressions
… count from 0
let count=$count+1 # count = 1, 2, 3, ...
((count=count+1)) # count = 1, 2, 3, ...
value=$((count-1)) # value = 0, 1, 2, ...
… count from N = 10
let count=${count:-10}+1 # count = 11, 12, 13, ...
Group and count number of multiple occurrences of the same line
sort file | uniq -c | sort -r
# 3 foo
# 2 bar
# 1 baz
Remove path and extension from a filename
- See also
echo ${full_path##*/} # =>
echo ${full_path%.*} # => /some/example/directories/
Default missing variable to a value
set -u # treat unset variables as errors
echo ${1:-} # => empty
echo ${1:-0} # => 0
echo ${1:-X} # => X
echo ${1:-$var} # => example
Use multiline heredoc, herestring, and var as input
… same output
… using heredoc
cat <<WORD
… using herestring
cat <<< "content
… using var in herestring
cat <<< "$text"
View zip or jar files
view some.jar
unzip -c some.jar path/to/file.txt
Transforming and parsing JSON
useful options
-c --compact-output
-r --raw-output
-S --sort-keys
Feed json into jq
… from a variable
echo $json | jq . # using pipe
jq . <<< "$json" # using herestring
… from a file
echo "$json" > /tmp/example.json
jq . < /tmp/example.json
Convert to new array with a subset of keys
{"name":"a", "id":1, "extra":"foo"},
{"name":"b", "id":2, "extra":"bar"}
jq -c '[.[] | { id, name }]' <<< "$json"
# [{"id":1,"name":"a"},{"id":2,"name":"b"}]
Select array elements
json='[{"key":"a"}, {"key":"b"}, {"key":"c"}]'
echo $json | jq -c '.[0]' # => { "key": "a" }
echo $json | jq -c 'first' # => { "key": "a" }
echo $json | jq -c 'nth(1)' # => { "key": "b" }
echo $json | jq -c 'last' # => { "key": "c" }
Array elements from key-value pairs
json='[{"key":"a", "value":1}, {"key":"b", "value":2}]'
jq -c 'from_entries' <<< "$json" # => { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
Array elements from custom key-value strings
{"name":"a", "id":1, "extra":"foo"},
{"name":"b", "id":2, "extra":"bar"}
jq -c '.[] | [{ "key": .name, "value": .id }] | from_entries' <<< "$json"
# { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
Default null
to empty string
jq -r '' <<< "$json" # => null
jq -r ' // empty' <<< "$json" # =>
Convert json to CSV
{"name":"a", "id":1, "extra":"foo"},
{"name":"b", "id":2, "extra":"bar"}
jq -r '(map(keys) | add | unique) as $cols | map(. as $row | $cols | map($row[.])) as $rows | $cols, $rows[] | @csv' <<< "$json"
# => "extra","id","name"
# => "foo",1,"a"
# => "bar",2,"b"
Special tips about sed
separators are configurable
… useful to avoid escaping /
sed 's_http://_www._' file.txt
sed 's#http://#www.#' file.txt
sed 's|http://|www.|' file.txt
# =>
Refer to the matched search in sed
sed 's/unix/& or linux/' file.txt
# unix os => unix or linux os
Bouncing systemd
cd /etc/systemd/system # => servname.service
sudo systemctl stop servname # stop the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload # reload changes from disk
sudo systemctl start servname # start the service
systemctl status ser* # what’s going on?
Using color escape sequences with echo
echo $'\e[1;34m'"text"$'\e[0m'
… using a variable instead of the escape sequence does no work!
echo $FOO"text"$'\e[0m' # => \e[1;34mtext
Bash noop command (colon)
if [[ $a == $b ]]; then
: # noop
List wildcard directories without showing its contents
ls -d pattern*
# foo bar baz
ls -1d pattern*
# foo
# bar
# baz
Continue a command in the next line
commannd1 -arg1 -arg2 \
-arg3 -arg4 \
-arg5 -arg6
Read lines from a file, one at a time
- linux - Looping through the content of a file in Bash? - Stack Overflow
- bash - Read a file line by line assigning the value to a variable - Stack Overflow
… excludes the last line if it doesn’t end with a newline ⚠️
while read -r line; do
echo $line
done < $filename
… does not stop to enter data manually if the loop is interactive (i.e. reads from stdin) ⚠️
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo $line
read -r input # grabs line from file
echo $input
done < $filename
Where a script is located and from where was it called
readonly BASEDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd) # where the script is located
readonly CALLDIR=$(pwd) # where it was called from
Check for environment variables
… make sure var is defined
[[ $ISDEFINED ]]; echo $? # => 0 (success)
[[ $UNDEFINED ]]; echo $? # => 1 (error)
[[ $ISDEFINED ]] && echo "yes" || echo "not" # => yes
[[ $UNDEFINED ]] && echo "yes" || echo "not" # => not
if [[ $ISDEFINED ]]; then echo "yes"; else echo "not"; fi # => yes
if [[ $UNDEFINED ]]; then echo "yes"; else echo "not"; fi # => not
… make sure var is not defined
[[ -z $ISDEFINED ]]; echo $? # => 1 (error)
[[ -z $UNDEFINED ]]; echo $? # => 0 (success)
[[ -z $ISDEFINED ]] && echo "not" || echo "yes" # => yes
[[ -z $UNDEFINED ]] && echo "not" || echo "yes" # => not
if [[ -z $ISDEFINED ]]; then echo "not"; else echo "yes"; fi # => yes
if [[ -z $UNDEFINED ]]; then echo "not"; else echo "yes"; fi # => not
Recursively grep files with specific patterns
… filter by file extensions
grep -ri "pattern" . --include "*.txt" --include "*.text"
grep -ri "pattern" . --include "*.md" --exclude "README.*"
… filter by directories
grep "pattern" filemask* --exclude-dir "test" --exclude-dir "target"
Remove an environment variable
unset ENV_VAR
Pass boolean values as parameters to bash functions
if [ "$bool" = true ]; then echo "yes"; fi # => yes
if [[ "$bool" == true ]]; then echo "yes"; fi # => yes
Return values from bash functions
- Returning booleans from Bash functions | // nothing works
- Linux tip: Bash test and comparison functions
readonly SUCCESS=0 # exit status of bash commands
… capture the return value of a function
get_value() {
echo "$variable"
… check if the last command executed with success
is_equal() {
[[ "$1" == "$2" ]]
is_equal && echo ok || echo not ok # => ok
is_equal a b && echo ok || echo not ok # => not ok
is_valid() {
grep -q "$looking_for" "$file"
is_valid && echo found || echo not found
# => not found [shows stderr msg]
if [[ is_valid == 0 ]]; then
echo found
echo not found
# => not found [no stderr msg]
Dereference bash variable param substitution/expansion
echo "${!var}" # => foobar
Check if a directory is empty
[[ $(find /some/dir/ -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty 2> /dev/null) ]] \
&& echo "Empty" \
|| echo "Not empty or missing"
[[ "$(ls -A /some/dir/ 2> /dev/null)" ]] \
&& echo "Not empty" \
|| echo "Empty or missing"
Look for empty directories
find . -type d -empty
Exclude hidden dot files and dirs when searching
find . -type file ! -name ".*"
find . -type file ! \( -name ".*" -or -path "*/.sync/*" \)
find . -type file -not -name ".*"
find . -type file -not -name ".*" -not -path "*/.sync/*"
find . -type file -not \( -name ".*" -or -path "*/.sync/*" \)
Show function definition
declare -f functionname
Check open files
lsof | grep file
Check open ports
sudo lsof -i -P | grep :8080
Monitor network traffic
sudo tcpdump -ien1 -q
sudo lsof -i:8080
survival commands
… exit and save
… exit without saving
… in ~/.vimrc
:set backupdir=~/tmp # backup files
:set background=dark # use lighter colors
:set ff=unix|dos # unix or dos file format
Remove trailing newlines
echo -n "$(cat file)" > file
Convert date to/form epoch
… from epoch
date -r 1234567890
# => Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 WET 2009
date -r 1294897379 +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# => 2011-01-13 05:42:59
… to epoch
date -jf "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "2011-01-13 05:42:59" +%s
# => 1294897379
Difference between 2 dates
ruby -r 'date' -e 'puts "#{( -,11,30)).to_i} days"'
python -c "import datetime as d; print(( -,11,30)).days)"
Subtract days to a date
expr -1 \* 24 \* 60 \* 60 + `date +%s` | xargs date -r
expr -1 \* 24 \* 60 \* 60 + `date +%s` | xargs -I{} date -r {} +"%Y-%m-%d"
ruby -r 'date' -le 'puts "#{ - 1}"'
ruby -r 'date' -le 'puts "#{ << 1}"'
python -c "import datetime as d; print( - d.timedelta(days=1))"
Current week number
man strftime # list of formats
date +%V
ruby -e 'puts ("%V")'
python -c "import time; print(time.strftime('%W'))"
python -c "import datetime as d; print(,9,1).strftime('%W'))"
Files paches
… generate
diff -uraN olddir newdir > patch.diff
… apply
patch -p1 < patch.diff
Dos ➔ Unix ➔ Dos
# ^M = ctrl-V ctrl-M
… unix ➔ dos
sed -e 's/$/^M/' unix.file > dos.file
… dos ➔ unix
sed -e 's/^M//' dos.file > unix.file
tr -d \\r < dos.file > unix.newfile
Test a POP3 server
$ telnet myserver 110
user myusername
pass mypassword
stat | list | retr <msgnbr> | dele <msgnbr>
Manage postfix mail queues
sudo tail -f /var/log/postfix.log # check what postfix is doing
mailq # see what is in the queue (shows id)
postsuper -d id # delete a mail from the queue
postsuper -d ALL # delete all mail from the queue
Unix distribution name/version
… depending on the distro
dmesg | head -1
cat /proc/version
cat /etc/issue # human-readable
uname -a # full summary
Shell redirections
- Illustrated Redirection Tutorial [Bash Hackers Wiki]
- bash - echo that outputs to stderr - Stack Overflow
Redirect stdout
cmd > /dev/null # stdout to file
cmd >&2 # stdout to stderr
Redirect stderr
cmd 2> /dev/null # stderr to file
cmd 2>&1 # stderr to stdout
Redirect stdout
and stderr
cmd &> /dev/null # both to file
cmd > /dev/null 2>&1 # both to file
cmd 2>&1 | cmd # both to pipe
cmd 2>&1 | tee file.txt # both to console and file
Redirect stdout
and stderr
(bash 4)
cmd &>> /dev/null # both to file
cmd |& cmd # both to pipe
Common lines between two files
comm -12 $file1 $file2 # assumes files are sorted
grep -Fxf $file1 $file2
perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/' $file1 $file2
Compile .po
message files into .mo
data files
msgfmt -o filename.po
Create a fake blank file of any size
dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=12
# 12+0 records in
# 12+0 records out
# 12288 bytes transferred in 0.000225 secs (54613333 bytes/sec)
ls -lh myfile
# -rw-r--r-- 1 hfr7756 staff 12K Sep 17 13:56 myfile
du -h myfile
# 12K myfile
du --si myfile
# 12k myfile
Split very long xml lines in tags
… brute force format by inserting newlines
# it's one single command line!
sed -e 's/\>\</\>\
\</g' input.xml > output.xml
Port forwarding through remote host
ssh server -L 4321:servername:80
Encode string using openssl
… from string
echo -n "qwerty" | openssl base64 # => cXdlcnR5
echo -n "qwerty" | openssl md5 # => d8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4
echo -n "qwerty" | openssl sha1 # => b1b3773a05c0ed0176787a4f1574ff0075f7521e
… from input
openssl base64
openssl md5
openssl sha1