The perfect pricing model doesn’t exist - by Matt Hodges
You’ll never be done
At the end of the day, there’s no silver bullet when it comes to pricing. There are just many things you can and should probably test. Be ready to make trade-offs – whether that’s knowingly leaving money on the table or being OK with fewer customers who pay you more.
Make peace with the fact that your pricing will never be perfect.
So, what is pricing (+ packaging) anyway?
… align on what you mean when you use certain words. So, pricing and packaging. Two words. Two sides of the same coin.
💰 Pricing: How, and how much, customers pay
📦 Packaging: How and what customers can buy
Pricing is a strategy
If you treat pricing and packaging as a strategy and not just a box you need to tick, it can create step changes in growth for your company.
See also Anthony Pierri’s post on LinkedIn: Pricing models for product-led growth.