🔗 Engineering strategy every org should write

Engineering strategy every org should write. | Irrational Exuberance An unordered list of strategies I would recommend every engineering organization document as they grow are: How do we review, merge, deploy, and release code? What are our approved technologies for new projects? When and how do we deprecate user-facing functionality? When and how do we deprecate internal tools? How do we document our software and process? Because this is a surprisingly controversial topic, explicitly which tools do we and don’t we use for documentation?...

April 5, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 176 words

🔗 10 Surprising Pricing Strategies That Can Boost Sales

10 Surprising Pricing Strategies That Can Boost Sales Similarity can cost you sales Utilize price anchoring The secrets of Weber’s Law Reduce pain points in the sales process Reframe the product’s value Bundle commonly bought items Sweat the small stuff Appeal to utility or pleasure It’s either free or it isn’t Try out an old classic: ending prices with the number 9 Emphasize time spent vs. saved Never compare prices without a reason Utilize the power of context Test different levels of pricing Keep prices stupidly simple

June 18, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 87 words