📜 Bad books

Life is too short to read a bad book. — James Joyce

December 20, 2023 · 1 min · 12 words

🔗 Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time.

Estimate the reading time for you! The calculation based on standard reading speed. Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time

October 11, 2015 · 1 min · 19 words

🔗 Email on Mobile Devices | MailChimp

Email on Mobile Devices | MailChimp Right now, people strongly view mobile email as a filter, and we’re all trying to avoid getting deleted too fast, because our emails are awesome. Follow these best practices regarding engaging content and building trust with your audience, and take into consideration the design tips we’ve unearthed through our research. Your audience will thank you with its increased engagement.

March 18, 2013 · 1 min · 65 words

🔗 Bulk Fiction: Speed Reading for Writers | Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics

Bulk Fiction: Speed Reading for Writers | Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics (…) I discovered the Multiple Reading Process (MRP) , which turned out to be amazingly useful. The MRP identifies three distinct stages to reading: Pre-Reading General Overview – Look over the document for features, layout, and structure of the material. Preview – Quickly glance through the document and identify key concepts, categories and new ideas related to the purpose of your reading....

December 5, 2012 · 1 min · 158 words

🔗 “Every Time Technology Changes, It Changes What People in the Plot Can Do.” An Interview With Margaret Atwood

“Every Time Technology Changes, It Changes What People in the Plot Can Do.” An Interview With Margaret Atwood Reading and writing has always changed depending on how it was delivered. This is not a new thing. We tend to be “Golden Age” about everything. We imagine a past about things being better, but we’ve forgotten a lot of stuff. People are always scared of new technology. On the first trains, people had nervous breakdowns, because they were going too fast....

August 31, 2012 · 1 min · 93 words

🔗 Wattpad – Discover a World of Unlimited Stories

Wattpad – Discover a World of Unlimited Stories Wattpad is the world’s largest community for discovering and sharing stories on the web and across every mobile device. It’s a new form of collaborative entertainment that connects readers and writers through storytelling and creative fiction! Wattpad is the only place offering a mobile, social, eReading experience. (…) Readers On Wattpad users can build and curate lists of stories ranging from contemporary mystery and suspense thrillers to romance or science fiction and poetry....

August 31, 2012 · 1 min · 122 words

📋 The 8 survey steps of Smart Reading

Take 10 minutes to: Read title, subtitle and jacket summary. Identify author or source, and date of publication or copyright. Skim the Table of Contents. Examine Index for relevant references. Read the Preface, Forward, Introduction and Conclusions. Review pictures, captions, charts, maps, graphics, bold headings, summaries, sidebars, exercises and study questions. Read a paragraph to judge writing style. Overall picture. Review what you’ve learned and make your decision:" To read or not to read....

February 19, 2009 · 1 min · 81 words