🔗 Hate OKRs? Avoid these 7 mistakes

Hate OKRs? Avoid these 7 mistakes | by Sarah Goff-Dupont | Smells Like Team Spirit | Medium Mistake #1: confusing themes with objectives Mistake #2: capturing all your work as OKRs Mistake #3: confusing key results with tasks Mistake #4: scoring key results by gut-feel Mistake #5: scoring key results on the wrong scale Mistake #6: consistently scoring 1s on every OKR Mistake #7: doggedly pursuing a bogus OKR After a few quarters of doing OKRs the way they’re supposed to be done (or close to it), I generally feel more focused....

September 18, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 132 words

🔗 Michael O. Church’s answer to Why do some developers at strong companies like Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? – Quora

Michael O. Church’s answer to Why do some developers at strong companies like Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? – Quora Before I get into why this “Agile” stuff is horrible, let’s describe where Agile/Scrum can work. It can work for a time-sensitive and critical project of short duration (6 weeks max) that cross-cuts the business and has no clear manager , because it involves people from multiple departments. You can call it a “Code Red” or call it a Scrum or a “War Room” if you have a physical room for it....

April 16, 2015 Â· 1 min Â· 167 words

🔗 How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless

How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless Step 1: How can you create something of value in a market better than what’s out there? Step 2: When you do that, how can you reach your potential audience? If you can answer “yes” to both, do you have something you think you’ll enjoy, and can make an amount of money that may be interesting to you? Cool. Jump in....

February 19, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 72 words