🔗 Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time.

Estimate the reading time for you! The calculation based on standard reading speed. Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time

October 11, 2015 · 1 min · 19 words

📺 #noestimates

The problem? For example, 3 guys wrote a paper in 86 and they said that a good estimate is an estimate that’s within 25% of the original estimate, 75% of the time … so, mostly one quarter wrong . Yikes, not a very good prospect at all. The gist of #noestimates to determine how much scope can be delivered by a given date: Select the most important piece of work you need to do (highest value first) Break that piece of work down into risk-neutral chunks of work: (…) small enough that failing to deliver it at first attempt will not jeopardize the project [typically ~1 day chunks] Develop (…) Deliver that work to a production-like environment....

January 3, 2015 · 2 min · 238 words

📜 #noestimates: using throughtput as a metric to predict progress

#noestimates: using throughtput as a metric to predict progress Vasco Duarte ( ALE Hangout with Vasco Duarte: No Estimates @ 41:50 )

January 3, 2015 · 1 min · 22 words

🔗 How Much Does It Cost To Make An App?

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App? Estimate the cost of an app easily using this handy tool. This budget range is a rough estimate based on the amount of time it will take to complete your project and a recommended budget of $60-100 USD per hour (market rate for quality talent is typically in this range). Considering the base rates stated in the tool, we can derive the following effort estimates which, in my opinion, are much more interesting to analyse (from a development point of view):...

October 18, 2013 · 1 min · 172 words

📜 The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the

The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. Tom Cargill, Bell Labs (the Ninety-ninety rule )

May 3, 2013 · 1 min · 38 words

🔗 Engineering Management: Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? – Quora

Engineering Management: Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? – Quora “Wow, there are a million little twists and turns on this coast. A 40 mile day will barely get us past Half Moon Bay. This trip is at least 500, not 400 miles…”

January 30, 2012 · 1 min · 50 words