✂️ Oracle

Small information nuggets and recipies about Oracle

(most recent on top)

Database defaults

  • Users
    • user/pass: scott / tiger
    • user/pass: SYSTEM / oracle
    • user/pass: SYS / oracle


net start OracleOraHome92TNSListener
net start OracleServiceORCL

Oracle SQL*Plus

show all
set sqlprompt '&_user@&_connect_identifier > '

… output config

set pagesize 50000
set linesize 120
set wrap off

… limit rows

select * from dual where rownum < 2;

… table info

select owner, table_name, num_rows from all_tables;
desc <tablename>

Oracle SQL Developer

… easier navigation via “Schema Browser”

  1. Right-click on a connection name
  2. Select “Schema Browser”
  3. Filter the list in the bottom search box

SQL queries

Describe constraint

select * from ALL_CONS_COLUMNS
where constraint_name='<name>'
order by position;

Turn constraints on/off

alter table <tbl_name> disable constraint <cons_name> [cascade]
alter table <tbl_name> enable constraint <cons_name>

Parent/child hierarchical relationship

  • table: entity
  • key: id
  • field: parentId

Filter over the results

select *
from entity
where <condition>
start with <condition>
connect by <condition>

Get children of ? (all below, including root)

select id
from entity
where <stop_condition>
start with id = ?
connect by nocycle prior id = parentId

Get children of ? (all below, excluding root)

select id
from entity
where <stop_condition>
start with parentId = ?
connect by nocycle prior id = parentId

Get parents of ? (all above, including self)

select id
from entity
where <stop_condition>
start with id = ?
connect by nocycle id = prior parentId

Get siblings of ? (same parent)

select e1.id
from entity e1
join entity e2 on e1.parentId = e2.parentId
where e2.id = ?
-- same behaviour with sub query (`e1` and `e2` added for clarity)
select e1.id
from entity e1
where e1.parentId = (select e2.parentId from entity e2 where e2.id = ?)

Get far away from ? (above and others)

select e1.id
from entity e1
join entity e2 on e1.id <> e2.id
start with e2.parentId = ?
connect by nocycle prior e2.id = e2.parentId
-- same behaviour with sub query (`e1` and `e2` added for clarity)
select e1.id
from entity e1
where e1.id not in (
    select e2.id
    from entity e2
    start with e2.parentId = ?
    connect by nocycle prior e2.id = e2.parentId

👆 HF: Not tested, needs validation!


Show database version

select * from v$version

List database sessions

select * from v$session

Kill a session

alter system kill session '35, 5842'        -- 'sid, serial'

What is a database process doing?

select s.hash_value, s.piece, s.sql_text, se.*
from v$session se, v$sqltext_with_newlines s
where s.hash_value = se.sql_hash_value
order by se.sql_hash_value, sid, piece

Which tables are locked?

select a.object_name, a.object_type, o.session_id, o.oracle_username, o.os_user_name, o.locked_mode
from v$locked_object o, all_objects a
where a.object_id = o.object_id
order by a.object_name

Increase number of processes, sessions, connections in Oracle XE

C:\>sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect sys as sysdba
SQL> connect sys/admin@localhost as sysdba
SQL> show parameter processes
SQL> alter system set processes=150 scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup
SQL> exit


Check DBMS_MONITOR, since Oracle Database 10g

Check statistics for tables

select table_name, last_analyzed, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_row_len
from dba_tables
where owner = 'SCHEMA_NAME' and table_name = 'TABLE_NAME'
order by table_name;

Check statistics for indexes

select table_name, index_name, last_analyzed, num_rows, leaf_blocks, blevel, clustering_factor
from dba_indexes
where owner = 'SCHEMA_NAME' and table_name = 'TABLE_NAME'
order by table_name;

View long operations

select * from v$session_longops
where target like 'SCHEMA_NAME.%'
order by start_time desc;

What is doing full table scans?

select p.owner, p.name, t.num_rows, ltrim(t.cache) ch,
    decode(t.buffer_pool,'KEEP','Y','DEFAULT','N') K,
    s.blocks blocks, sum(a.executions) nbr_FTS
from dba_tables t, dba_segments s, v$sqlarea a, (
        select distinct address, object_owner owner, object_name name
        from v$sql_plan
        where operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options = 'FULL'
    ) p
where a.address = p.address
  and t.owner = s.owner
  and t.table_name = s.segment_name
  and t.table_name = p.name
  and t.owner = p.owner
  and t.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
having sum(a.executions) > 9
group by p.owner, p.name, t.num_rows, t.cache, t.buffer_pool, s.blocks
order by sum(a.executions) desc;