🔗 Type-System Criteria · ongoing by Tim Bray
Type-System Criteria · ongoing by Tim Bray CriÂteÂria Let’s call them the Bánffy-Bray criÂteÂria for seÂlectÂing beÂtween staÂtic and dyÂnamic type sysÂtems. StaÂtic typÂing’s atÂtracÂtiveÂness is a diÂrect funcÂtion (and dyÂnamic typÂing’s an inÂverse funcÂtion) of API surÂface size. DyÂnamic typÂing’s atÂtracÂtiveÂness is a diÂrect funcÂtion (and staÂtic typÂing’s an inÂverse funcÂtion) of unit testÂing workÂaÂbilÂity.