📜 The three D’s of meetings
Dropbox’s CEO on return to office (RTO): Workers aren’t ‘resources to control’ | Fortune All meetings must narrow in on the “three D’s” of discussion, debate, or decision-making …
Dropbox’s CEO on return to office (RTO): Workers aren’t ‘resources to control’ | Fortune All meetings must narrow in on the “three D’s” of discussion, debate, or decision-making …
Reinventar o Exercício: Suplementos e medicação…antes ou depois das refeições? Esta também é uma dúvida minha…quando se devem tomar os comprimidos, seja suplementos ou medicamentos? Em jejum? Antes das refeições? Durante ou depois das refeições? Ao acordar ou antes de dormir? A resposta, como sempre, vai variar consoante o que formos tomar. Suplementos Vitamina A, E, D e K Vitaminas B e C Zinco Ferro Cálcio e Magnésio Multivitamínicos Aminoácidos/BCAA’s e proteína Enzimas (bromelaína, papaína, tripsina e quimotripsina) Ómega-3/óleo de peixe Produtos naturais compostos maioritariamente por ervas
Increasing levels of sharing access for files in Google Drive (source) Always remember these three guiding principles when choosing your share settings: Share with the fewest people and lowest level of access and permission as the work allows. Be aware of searchable settings that may unintentionally share the file with others. If no longer needed, reduce sharing permissions or delete files. Combining these principles with an understanding of Stanford’s risk classifications will help you make the best sharing choices....
AI Emoji Generator Turn your ideas into emojis in seconds. Generate your favorite Slack emojis with just one click.
Leporello.js · Interactive functional programming IDE for JavaScript Your code is executed instantly as you type, with the results displayed next to it. No need to set breakpoints for debugging. Just move the cursor to any line and see what’s happening. Reminds me of some of the concepts from Inventing on Principle by Bret Victor.
The Musk Algorithm The order is very important: Question every requirement. Each should come with the name of the person who made it. … Delete any part or process you can. … Simplify and optimize. … common mistake is to simplify and optimize a part or a process that should not exist. Accelerate cycle time. Every process can be speeded up. … Automate. That comes last. …
Life Cycle of a Typical gTLD Domain Name (source) See also an explanation of each state in EPP Status Codes | What Do They Mean, and Why Should I Know? - ICANN.
The pernicious effect of having a separate testing team: How Big Tech does Quality Assurance (QA) - by Gergely Orosz The change in the number and type of tests the Visual Studio Team Services experienced after merging the dev and the test teams. Before the merge: end-to-end tests dominated, but unit and integration tests were rare. This flipped after the merge. (Microsoft Dev Blogs) In 2 years, almost all “old” tests from when test was separate from dev, were gone....
Power Bends Light | honkathon Here are some things I wish I’d known at the time: Power bends taste. … [because] Power defines what’s normal … Power bends accountability. … I started to notice that the thing most strongly correlated to their treatment was their power on the team … Power bends meaning. … it can change the meaning of everything you do and say. … Once I started watching for how newly-acquired power distorts the meanings of everything, I started seeing examples everywhere … To help organize my thoughts, I started abbreviating this phenomenon with a phrase: power bends light....
Hate OKRs? Avoid these 7 mistakes | by Sarah Goff-Dupont | Smells Like Team Spirit | Medium Mistake #1: confusing themes with objectives Mistake #2: capturing all your work as OKRs Mistake #3: confusing key results with tasks Mistake #4: scoring key results by gut-feel Mistake #5: scoring key results on the wrong scale Mistake #6: consistently scoring 1s on every OKR Mistake #7: doggedly pursuing a bogus OKR After a few quarters of doing OKRs the way they’re supposed to be done (or close to it), I generally feel more focused....