Sharing more widely something that came up in a sketching session — a simple mnemonic for coming up with small / recurrent actions and avoid ending with generic goals that aren’t actionable:


Ask “how?” repeatedly until it it becomes silly 🙂

For example, if the initial thing I come up with is…

Understand better the inner working of this particular thing

Asking “how?” makes it clear that something is missing; so it becomes…

Ask John and Jane about the inner working of this particular thing

Again, asking “how?” still indicates that there’s some room for more detail…

  • Ask John in our next 1-on-1 about the inner working of this particular thing
  • Ping Jane on Slack if there’s any documentation about the inner working of this particular thing

Now asking “how?” in any of these two is just silly (they’re self-explanatory). So we’re done here. We have now 2 new concrete small actions to take!