The success of the organization of your web site will be determined largely by how well your site’s information architecture matches your users’ expectations. A logical, consistently named site organization allows users to make successful predictions about where to find things.
Figure 3.2 — Examples of the “Goldilocks problem” in getting the site structure “just right.” Too shallow a structure (left) forces menus to become too long. Too deep a structure (right) and users get frustrated as they dig down through many layers of menus.
Search is the only practical navigation in the “long tail”
Site structural themes
Straight linear sequence
Linear sequences with supporting digressions
Simple hub-and-spoke structure
More complex hierarchy
The nonlinear usage patterns typical of web users do not absolve you of the need to organize your thinking and present it within a clear, consistent structure that complements your overall design goals.
Figure 3.9 summarizes the three basic organization patterns against the linearity of the narrative and the complexity of the content.
Figure 3.9 — Choose the right site structure for your audience and content.