🔗 Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time.

Estimate the reading time for you! The calculation based on standard reading speed. Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time

October 11, 2015 Â· 1 min Â· 19 words

🏞 Pick two! Escolha

[![Como você quer o seu projecto](linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg){width="410" height="410" srcset="linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg 410w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-150x150.jpeg 150w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-300x300.jpeg 300w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-268x268.jpeg 268w" sizes="(max-width: 410px) 100vw, 410px"}](linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg) Como você quer o seu projecto? Rápido & Grátis → Lixo Rápido & Barato → Mal feito Rápido & Qualidade → Bem pago Barato & Qualidade → Não pode ser rápido Grátis & Qualidade → Faça você mesmo Escolha duas!… Três ou não existe ou é utopia.

May 13, 2015 Â· 1 min Â· 66 words

🔗 Bulk Fiction: Speed Reading for Writers | Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics

Bulk Fiction: Speed Reading for Writers | Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics (…) I discovered the Multiple Reading Process (MRP) , which turned out to be amazingly useful. The MRP identifies three distinct stages to reading: Pre-Reading General Overview – Look over the document for features, layout, and structure of the material. Preview – Quickly glance through the document and identify key concepts, categories and new ideas related to the purpose of your reading....

December 5, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 158 words