🔗 The Lippitt-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change

Models: The Lippitt-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change | Sergio Caredda The Model for Managing Complex Change is widely used in Change Management presentations and articles around the web, as it outlines required elements fo change, and possible negative outcomes. … According to the model, there are five or six elements required for effective change: vision, consensus, skills, incentives, resources and an action plan. If anyone of these elements is missing, the change effort will fail, with varying Negative Change outcome....

September 28, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 179 words

🔗 Shields Down – Rands in Repose

Shields Down – Rands in Repose Your shields drop the moment you let a glimpse of a potential different future into your mind. It seems like a unconsidered off-the-cuff thought sans consequence, but the thought opens you to possibilities that did not exist the moment before the thought existed. Every moment as a leader is an opportunity to either strengthen or weaken shields. Every single moment. Update 2024-03-27: There are also t-shirts and logos about it....

January 29, 2020 Â· 1 min Â· 76 words

🏞 Pick two! Escolha

[![Como você quer o seu projecto](linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg){width="410" height="410" srcset="linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg 410w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-150x150.jpeg 150w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-300x300.jpeg 300w, linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large-268x268.jpeg 268w" sizes="(max-width: 410px) 100vw, 410px"}](linkedin-2a383b27-dc7c-4632-820f-8d9dab9c576f-large.jpeg) Como você quer o seu projecto? Rápido & Grátis → Lixo Rápido & Barato → Mal feito Rápido & Qualidade → Bem pago Barato & Qualidade → Não pode ser rápido Grátis & Qualidade → Faça você mesmo Escolha duas!… Três ou não existe ou é utopia.

May 13, 2015 Â· 1 min Â· 66 words

🏞 (image)

Project hubs can help tame the chaos of the design process by providing a home base for all key design and development materials. Keep the design artifacts in the browser and give clients and colleagues quick insight into your project’s progress. (via Project Hubs: A Home Base for Design Projects ◆ 24 ways )

December 23, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 54 words

🔗 How Medium Is Building a New Kind of Company with No Managers

How Medium Is Building a New Kind of Company with No Managers For two years, Stirman managed a team at Twitter and never felt quite right about it. There was always the tension between being their boss and being their peer. (…) He started taking his reports out to lunch, to drinks, to coffee to see what was up. How was their wife settling into her new job? Did escrow close on their new house?...

December 20, 2013 Â· 2 min Â· 391 words

📋 New company structures…

From a Facebook post (original em português): New company structures? Experiences to follow with interest: How Medium Is Building a New Kind of Company with No Managers Introducing Open Salaries at Buffer: Our Transparent Formula{target="_blank"} Zappos is going holacratic: no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy{target="_blank"} Total email transparency: Email transparency{target="_blank"} at Stripe 1 year update about scaling email transparency{target="_blank"} How we handle team emails at our startup: Defaulting to transparency{target="_blank"} , by Buffer’s founder Joel Gascoigne Relevant literature about the subject:...

December 20, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 131 words

📜 Pulling a few weeds every time is good for maintenance, but it doesn’t

Pulling a few weeds every time is good for maintenance, but it doesn’t make sense to spread fertilizer one square foot each day. Cricket (via The Repeat Test and Personal Kanban ) Little-and-often and do-till-one are two different tools. (…) most projects need a mix of tools.

May 8, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 47 words

🔗 Three useful one-liner anchors to use on e-mail | Ricardo Clerigo

Three useful one-liner anchors to use on e-mail | Ricardo Clerigo I also find that starting text with a “> [Keyword]” combination works great, as in: Agreed: text Follow-up: text Action: text

April 9, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 32 words

📜 90% of the decisions you make don’t matter; real success comes in

90% of the decisions you make don’t matter; real success comes in being able to identify the 10% that do and focus on those. via Charlie Kindel | cek.log

March 3, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 29 words

🔗 The 5 Ps: Achieving Focus in Any Endeavor | cek.log

The 5 Ps: Achieving Focus in Any Endeavor | cek.log The 5 Ps : PURPOSE, PRINCIPLES, PRIORITIES, PLAN, AND PEOPLE (…) a tool that helps projects be focused: the “5Ps”: Purpose : Why do we exist? Why are we in business? Where do we want to be in the future? What will we deliver? Principles : What are the non-negotiable rules and key strategies? How will we act? Priorities : What’s the framework for tradeoffs?...

March 2, 2013 Â· 2 min Â· 260 words