🔗 Rivers and buckets

Rivers and buckets - Sketchplanations It’s impossible to keep up with everything. Consider thinking of areas of your life like rivers, not buckets. Oliver explains rivers not buckets in “Treat your to-read pile like a river”. (from the Oliver Burkeman article above) The problem, as the critic Nicholas Carr explained, isn’t filter failure. It’s filter success. In a world of effectively infinite information, the better you get at sifting the wheat from the chaff, the more you end up crushed beneath a never-ending avalanche of wheat....

April 7, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 184 words
Illustration presenting a transformation from a chaotic, cluttered workspace to an organized, efficient one, depicted in a modern digital painting style. These visuals capture the theme of transitioning from an overwhelming flow of Slack notifications, represented by a garbage landfill, to a structured, clutter-free environment, represented by a river flow and green fields.

💭 Slack Overload? Regain control with Inbox Zero principles

The goal is to apply “inbox zero” concepts to Slack and mitigate the pressures to “respond immediately”. The realisation is that sections can become a pseudo-inbox of channels that need reading (as opposed to considering messages the unit to manipulate).

April 17, 2023 Â· 10 min Â· 2070 words