🔗 The Composable Architecture: My 3 Year Experience

The Composable Architecture: My 3 Year Experience • Rod Schmidt I recently finished a 3 year stint with a company that uses the Composable Architecture (TCA) from PointFree. I wanted to write about my experiences with TCA and some of the problems I see with it. It’s Complicated The [High] Churn Architectural Issues Performance Issues Company Organizational Issues Company Risks You might be more productive onboarding new developers and adding features with another architecture and still be able to achieve your desired architectural discipline with MVVM or Clean Architecture....

May 7, 2024 · 1 min · 89 words

🔗 We’re in the midst of a fundamental shift in leadership

We’re in the midst of a fundamental shift in leadership - Fast Company Social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven‘s time-tested framework described five bases of interpersonal power, or the ability to effect change. … Here is the six-element version of the framework: Legitimate power is inherent in a position, such as a supervisor’s job title. … Reward power stems from the ability to grant bonuses, raises, promotions, and privileges. Coercive power relies on the ability to punish via termination, demotion, undesirable scheduling, or unpleasant assignments....

May 1, 2024 · 1 min · 167 words

🔗 Mobile cross-platform technologies comparison

{width=“496” height=“1290” srcset=“tumblr_niy2fjyTFG1qz82meo2_r1_1280.png 496w, tumblr_niy2fjyTFG1qz82meo2_r1_1280-115x300.png 115w, tumblr_niy2fjyTFG1qz82meo2_r1_1280-394x1024.png 394w” sizes="(max-width: 496px) 100vw, 496px"} Developers are now finding themselves having to author applications for a diverse range of mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, …), each of which have their own ’native’ development languages, tools and environment. (…) but which to choose? (…) PropertyCross presents a non-trivial application , for searching UK property listings, developed using a range of cross-platform technologies and frameworks....

January 29, 2015 · 1 min · 89 words

🔗 TodoMVC – A common learning application for popular JavaScript MV* frameworks

TodoMVC – A common learning application for popular JavaScript MV* frameworks (…) a project which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today. Solutions look and feel the same, have a common simple feature-set and make it easy for you to compare the syntax and structure of different frameworks so you can select the one you feel the most comfortable with....

March 28, 2012 · 1 min · 72 words

🔗 Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart

Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart Looking for the right mobile Framework? Compare all major Frameworks and choose the one that fits best.

October 8, 2011 · 1 min · 21 words