Small information nuggets and recipies about Slack
✂️ Slack
Table of Contents
(most recent on top)
Channel URLs
Template URL for browsers to navigate to a certain channel name:
The above template might seem fragile in case the channel is renamed but Slack follows through and redirects to the new channel name.
Another way is create a link URL is to “Copy link” from a channel name in the Slack app sidebar, which will get you an URL similar to the following (independent from the channel name):
Reminders with custom frequency
Template for setting reminders that repeat with a custom frequency (example of a “fortnight meeting”):
/remind #channel "Fortnight meeting starts in 10 min" Jan 2 at 14:50 every 2 weeks
Giphy captions
… using caption as search terms
/giphy #caption example text
… separate caption from search terms
/giphy #caption "example text" search terms