🔗 Subcompact Publishing — by Craig Mod

Subcompact Publishing — by Craig Mod Zip drives ate floppies. CDs ate Zips. DVDs ate CDs. SD cards ate film. LCDs ate CRTs. Telephony ate telegraphy. Text messaging ate talking. Tablets are eating our paper … Great analysis of the disruptive effect of The Magazine in the publishing industry.

November 28, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 49 words

🏞 (image)

(via Chart: Apple’s Astonishing Profit in Context | Statista ) Wow!

November 27, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 11 words

📋 A Lebre e a Tartaruga

Eu sou a lebre tonta Sempre apressada Salto por todo o lado Depois chego atrasada Eu sou a tartaruga Ando devagar Co’a minha velocidade Ninguém vai-m’apanhar Eu sou a lebre tonta Perdi a corrida Fiquei a comer cenouras Para encher a barriga Eu sou a tartaruga Estou sempre a ganhar Porque o meu segredo É Nunca, nunca parar

November 26, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 58 words

🔗 HOW TO: Use Game Mechanics to Power Your Business

HOW TO: Use Game Mechanics to Power Your Business So how can you use game mechanics the right way and supercharge your business? We’ve distilled the process down to four steps.

November 26, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 31 words

📋 Pitinho, piu…

Pintinho, pintinho, pintinho, piu Subiu numa pedra e depois caiu A dona galinha ficou zangada Pegou no pintinho deu uma palmada Pintinho, pintinho, pintinho, piu Comeu a sopa toda e depois dormiu A dona galinha ficou contente Pegou no pintinho deu um presente

November 26, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 43 words

🔗 You Are Boring — The Magazine

You Are Boring — The Magazine Here are the three things they taught me. Listen, then ask a question Tell a story Expand your circles So true…

November 26, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 27 words

🔗 Get Your FAQs Straight: Convert Your Curious Customers

Get Your FAQs Straight: Convert Your Curious Customers You can improve your FAQ pages by… Streamlining navigation through questions Prioritizing clarity over precision in language Connecting the answers in FAQs to other steps in the sales funnel so that no visitor goes uncaptured

November 25, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 43 words

🔗 ooomf Blog: If you hate trying to get press, read this. Now.

ooomf Blog: If you hate trying to get press, read this. Now. ooomf : When we launched ooomf a couple months ago, we didn’t really know how we were going to tell people about it. We wanted to shout it from the top of a mountain but our mountain was in the middle of nowhere. It took us 2 weeks and countless hours of research to refine our press-getting process....

November 25, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 83 words

🔗 Reinvigorate – measure, analyze, evolve.

Reinvigorate – measure, analyze, evolve. Simple, real-time web analytics + heatmaps .

November 16, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 12 words

📋 O gato que roubou a sardinha… e a comeu!

Mãe (gata): Ó gato, que é da sardinha Que eu comprei ao Ti Contreiras Por um ovo de galinha? Não há gente como esta minha Não há neste monte Nem pode ser que se encontre No reino de Portugal. Foste ao cesto tirar pão Deixasses estar a sardinha Até lhe comeste a espinha Ora vejam lá o glutão! Filho (gato): Tomara-me eu já casar Que eu não aguento esta vida....

November 8, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 125 words