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Knowing how to not give a shit doesn’t mean you never give a shit about anything. It just means that when you give a shit, it’s voluntary. You have a reason. (via The elegant art of not giving a shit )
Knowing how to not give a shit doesn’t mean you never give a shit about anything. It just means that when you give a shit, it’s voluntary. You have a reason. (via The elegant art of not giving a shit )
for each desired change, make the change easy (warning: this may be hard), then make the easy change. Kent Beck
The philosophy of great customer service | Derek Sivers (Actually, I prefer the term “client care”, since “client” implies a relationship, instead of “customer”, which is transactional. But I’ll use the normal term instead of confusing things by using mine.) You can afford to be generous The customer is more important than the company Customer service is a profit center Every interaction is your moment to shine Lose every fight Rebelliously right the wrongs of the world
Treat people at the end of the relationship like it’s the beginning, and there won’t be an end. Tony Robbins
(via Copa do Mundo e sua relação com Design. | Leandro Soler )
(via Logo da copa do Mundo no Brasil em 2014. Como e quando foi criado. | Matutando )
10 Surprising Pricing Strategies That Can Boost Sales Similarity can cost you sales Utilize price anchoring The secrets of Weber’s Law Reduce pain points in the sales process Reframe the product’s value Bundle commonly bought items Sweat the small stuff Appeal to utility or pleasure It’s either free or it isn’t Try out an old classic: ending prices with the number 9 Emphasize time spent vs. saved Never compare prices without a reason Utilize the power of context Test different levels of pricing Keep prices stupidly simple
Documenting in Xcode with HeaderDoc Tutorial | Ray Wenderlich When Xcode 5 and iOS 7 were announced, a small addition was mentioned that most people might have missed: HeaderDoc. (…) In addition, Xcode parses HeaderDoc-style comments behind the scenes to automatically present your documentation in quick look panels.
StrongLifts 5Ă—5: A Simple Workout To Get Stronger Stronglifts 5Ă—5 uses five free weight compound exercises: the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Barbell Row. You do three of these exercises each workout, three times a week, for about 45 minutes per workout. You Squat every workout, three times a week. See also: Everything You Know About Fitness Is a Lie
(via The Apollo Planner – The Planner ) Introducing the Apollo Planner, a beautifully simple daily planner that delivers powerful productivity and real results.