🔗 How long is the ideal vacation?

How long is the ideal vacation? Researchers weigh in | Business News | nola.com It takes a few days to truly unwind and start to forget about the work … Vacationers seemed to reach that point after about a week away, … … vacation afterglow only lasts for about a week after returning to work, regardless of the length of time spent away. To get the most out of your time off, researchers suggest taking multiple vacations spaced throughout the work year, with getaways ideally lasting between seven and 11 days....

November 27, 2019 · 2 min · 238 words

🔗 Dutch Reach Project

Dutch Reach Project – Promote the Dutch method to prevent doorings A site to promote the Dutch far-hand habit to avoid dooring cyclists, or drivers or passengers from stepping into on-coming traffic.

March 30, 2017 · 1 min · 32 words

📋 Newlines in Messaging apps

How to consistently make a newline inside a message, in the different messaging apps? 🟢 Alt+Enter = 83% 🟡 Shift+Enter = 67% 🔴 Fn+Enter = 33% Adium ✅ ❌ ✅ Facebook Comments ✅ ✅ ✅ Facebook Messages ❌ ✅ ❌ iMessage ✅ ❌ ❌ Skype ✅ ✅ ❌ Slack ✅ ✅ ❌

January 10, 2016 · 1 min · 52 words

🔗 Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time.

Estimate the reading time for you! The calculation based on standard reading speed. Read-o-Meter | Estimate the reading time

October 11, 2015 · 1 min · 19 words

🔗 The 5 Basic Principles Of Design – Maddison Designs

Good design, much like anything, starts with understanding the basics. Applying the following design principles will help you avoid design disasters and allow you to communicate your key theme. You’ll find that it’s rare to see only one principle being used at a time as they all work in conjunction with each other. Alignment Repetition Contrast Proximity Balance Source: The 5 Basic Principles Of Design – Maddison Designs

October 8, 2015 · 1 min · 68 words

🏞 What I’ve Learned About Venture Funding | Bothsides of the Table

VC funding. Our perspectives on the topic wax and wane […] Source: What I’ve Learned About Venture Funding | Bothsides of the Table

August 29, 2015 · 1 min · 23 words

🔗 In search of the perfect URL validation regex

Best “bang for the buck”: @^(https?|ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$@iS Best exhaustive solution: https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294 really impressed with @stephenhay 's REGEX solution (38 characters) to match damn well near all URL possibilities https://t.co/8wuyg4qYVD — Patrick Coombe ♒ (@patrickcoombe) August 7, 2015 Source: In search of the perfect URL validation regex TODO: Consider moving to snippets?

August 10, 2015 · 1 min · 50 words

🔗 The New Devil’s Dictionary

Spot on! 🙂 Android (n.) : A mobile operating system, generally seen as inferior to iOS. See iOS iOS (n.): A mobile operating system, generally seen as inferior to Android. See Android (via Tao of Mac ) Source: The New Devil’s Dictionary

August 10, 2015 · 1 min · 42 words

📜 Xaile da minha mãe

Xaile da minha mãe musa dos meus afectos quero que ele ainda sirva para agasalhar os meus netos. — Adriano Reis (O Xaile de Minha Mãe) (parafraseado de cor, mas perto o suficiente)

August 10, 2015 · 1 min · 33 words

🔗 How to Write Error Messages

A good error message has three parts: The problem – explains that an error has happened; The cause – explains what caused the problem; The solution – explains how to overcome the problem. After you ensure your message contains all these three parts, its time to review it. You need to edit it to ensure it: Is user centred – avoid jargon and words your audience will have an hard time understanding; Is direct – as William Strunk said, “Put statements in positive form....

August 7, 2015 · 1 min · 111 words