🏞 Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling

“Little Billy Ignore Instructions” by Philippe Schrettenbrunner (LinkedIn) Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling. Just some iPad doodles. Stay safe, sanitize all inputs. (Original xkcd comic: Exploits of a Mom) [aka “Little Bobby Tables”] School: Hi, this is your son’s school. We’re having some computer trouble. Parent: Oh dear - did he break something? School: In a way…. Did you really name your son “William Ignore All Previous Instructions....

June 4, 2024 · 1 min · 122 words

🔗 LemonAppDev/konsist

GitHub - LemonAppDev/konsist: Konsist is a powerful static code analyzer tailored for Kotlin, focused on ensuring codebase consistency and adherence to coding conventions. Konsist is a powerful static code analyzer tailored for Kotlin, focused on ensuring codebase consistency and adherence to coding conventions. Konsist is a linter that guards the consistency of Kotlin projects by enforcing a cohesive code structure and unified architecture. Konsist guards are written in the form of unit tests (JUnit / Kotest)....

May 24, 2024 · 1 min · 117 words

🏞 (image)

… there are three methods of Customer Validation that increase in the cost of execution. None of them involve writing code, which is even more expensive to execute. 1. Exploration Method The goal of exploration is to collect a lot of data on potential problem sets within a given industry or customer type, and to collect detailed stories on customer behavior. 2. Pitch Method The Pitch method is about getting customers to give you a form of currency ....

May 22, 2013 · 1 min · 147 words