πŸ”—Β How to Write Error Messages

A good error message has three parts: The problem – explains that an error has happened; The cause – explains what caused the problem; The solution – explains how to overcome the problem. After you ensure your message contains all these three parts, its time to review it. You need to edit it to ensure it: Is user centred – avoid jargon and words your audience will have an hard time understanding; Is direct – as William Strunk said, β€œPut statements in positive form....

August 7, 2015 Β· 1 min Β· 111 words

πŸ”—Β The Game-Based CAPTCHA Alternative | Are You a Human

Update 2023-07-31: Internet Archive 2013-04-02 The Game-Based CAPTCHA Alternative | Are You a Human Awesome way to replace the dreaded β€œCaptchas”…

April 5, 2013 Β· 1 min Β· 21 words