🔗 How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless

How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless Step 1: How can you create something of value in a market better than what’s out there? Step 2: When you do that, how can you reach your potential audience? If you can answer “yes” to both, do you have something you think you’ll enjoy, and can make an amount of money that may be interesting to you? Cool. Jump in....

February 19, 2014 · 1 min · 72 words

🔗 WORDOID – Creative Naming Service

WORDOID – Creative Naming Service Wordoids are made-up words. They look nice and feel great. They are good for naming things. And more…

October 29, 2013 · 1 min · 23 words

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… there are three methods of Customer Validation that increase in the cost of execution. None of them involve writing code, which is even more expensive to execute. 1. Exploration Method The goal of exploration is to collect a lot of data on potential problem sets within a given industry or customer type, and to collect detailed stories on customer behavior. 2. Pitch Method The Pitch method is about getting customers to give you a form of currency ....

May 22, 2013 · 1 min · 147 words

🔗 The full story of “the one important thing” for startups

A startup can focus on only one metric. So you have to decide what that is and ignore everything else. Noah Kagan, in The full story of “the one important thing” for startups At a little company there’s no time for small changes achieving small goals. — Jason Cohen

April 23, 2012 · 1 min · 49 words

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(via A VC: The Startup Curve )

March 24, 2012 · 1 min · 7 words

🔗 Startup Tools | Steve Blank

Startup Tools | Steve Blank Awesome reference guide with tools to help start a new business.

February 2, 2012 · 1 min · 16 words