🔗 The differences in British and American spelling

The differences in British and American spelling - Oxford International English Schools The main difference is that British English keeps the spelling of words it has absorbed from other languages, mainly French and German. Whilst American English spellings are based mostly on how the word sounds when it is spoken. Follow the link for more details on typical differences in nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.

April 22, 2024 · 1 min · 64 words

🔗 Check Up, Checkup or Check-Up - Which One to Use?

Check Up, Checkup or Check-Up - Which One to Use? Checkup: When it’s a single word like this, it’s a noun to describe an appointment. “I have a checkup at the dentist later this month.” Check-up: Add in the hyphen, and it becomes a phrasal adjective meant to describe the type of appointment or something. “My check-up appointment is at two o’clock, Thursday.” Check up: If used as two individual words, you’ve got yourself a verb to describe what you’re doing, aka a phrasal verb....

November 2, 2023 · 1 min · 100 words