🔗 The deadline doom loop

The deadline doom loop - by James Hawkins Here’s how the loop plays out: Phase 1: “We’re gonna make it!” 👍 Phase 2: “Are we gonna make it?” 🤷 Phase 3: “We’re not gonna make it!” 🥵 Phase 4: “We (sort of) made it.” 😵‍💫 Phase 5: “We’re gonna make it this time!” 🙏 Principles for escaping the doom loop The alternative, an approach that helps us ship faster, relies on a few key principles:...

January 11, 2025 · 2 min · 306 words

🔗 How to ship fast

How to ship fast - by Ben McRedmond - Wrap Text by Equals Protect momentum Beware of prioritization Stay close to the design You should be wrong sometimes Only doers can plan what you work on Always plan the How There is no quality vs. speed tradeoff Capture inspiration

January 4, 2025 · 1 min · 49 words

🏞 Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling

“Little Billy Ignore Instructions” by Philippe Schrettenbrunner (LinkedIn) Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling. Just some iPad doodles. Stay safe, sanitize all inputs. (Original xkcd comic: Exploits of a Mom) [aka “Little Bobby Tables”] School: Hi, this is your son’s school. We’re having some computer trouble. Parent: Oh dear - did he break something? School: In a way…. Did you really name your son “William Ignore All Previous Instructions....

June 4, 2024 · 1 min · 122 words

📜 You’re not FAANG

If you process less than 10k requests per second, you’re not Google nor are you Facebook. — Henryk Plötz in Should I Use JWTs For Authentication Tokens? - Tinker, Tamper, Alter, Fry

May 28, 2024 · 1 min · 32 words

🔗 dandavison/delta

GitHub - dandavison/delta: A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output Code evolves, and we all spend time studying diffs. Delta aims to make this both efficient and enjoyable: it allows you to make extensive changes to the layout and styling of diffs, as well as allowing you to stay arbitrarily close to the default git/diff output.

May 24, 2024 · 1 min · 59 words

🔗 The Composable Architecture: My 3 Year Experience

The Composable Architecture: My 3 Year Experience • Rod Schmidt I recently finished a 3 year stint with a company that uses the Composable Architecture (TCA) from PointFree. I wanted to write about my experiences with TCA and some of the problems I see with it. It’s Complicated The [High] Churn Architectural Issues Performance Issues Company Organizational Issues Company Risks You might be more productive onboarding new developers and adding features with another architecture and still be able to achieve your desired architectural discipline with MVVM or Clean Architecture....

May 7, 2024 · 1 min · 89 words

🔗 Catalog of Refactoring and Design Patterns

Catalog of Refactoring Refactoring.Guru makes it easy for you to discover everything you need to know about refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles, and other smart programming topics. See also: The Catalog of Refactoring The Catalog of Design Patterns

May 5, 2024 · 1 min · 38 words

🔗 Enshittification

Enshittification - Wikipedia Enshittification is the pattern of decreasing quality observed in online services and products … The term was used by writer Cory Doctorow in November 20221 … Doctorow has also used the term platform decay to describe the same concept. The ‘Enshittification’ of TikTok | WIRED Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves....

April 25, 2024 · 1 min · 128 words

🏞 Evolution of Unix systems

“A diagram of the relationships between Unix systems” by Eraserhead1, Infinity0, Sav_vas (Wikipedia)

April 25, 2024 · 1 min · 13 words

🔗 Building Bluesky with a small team

Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges) Rapid growth. The product went from zero to 5 million users in around 12 months after announcing an invite-only beta. Small team. Bluesky was built with a small team of 3 engineers during the first year, and with 12 software engineers at the time of publication.

April 23, 2024 · 1 min · 55 words