🔗 The Tyranny of the Marginal User

The Tyranny of the Marginal User - by Ivan Vendrov How is it possible that software gets worse, not better, over time, despite billions of dollars of R&D and rapid progress in tooling and AI? What evil force, more powerful than Innovation and Progress, is at work here? … I call this force the Tyranny of the Marginal User. … a company with a billion-user product doesn’t actually care about its billion existing users....

September 15, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 155 words

🔗 Instagram and Optimizing Favicons | Zoompf

Instagram and Optimizing Favicons | Zoompf “Lesson #1: Don’t forget your favicon.” But optimizing your website’s favicon goes beyond just making sure you don’t forget it. Below are 5 recommendations for optimizing your favicon, plus two bonus tips, to optimize your website’s favicon. Make sure it exists. Make sure it is compatible. Make sure it is cacheable. Make sure it is the right size. Make sure to serve it using compression....

April 20, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 86 words