🔗 Cheat Sheets Finder

Cheat Sheet Finder | finders This page provides links to and short descriptions of content that provides succinct guidance on many different topics, which fall under domains such as Agile software development, and working in teams. The Cheat Sheet Finder includes the following categories: Flow/Getting Stuff Done Psychological Safety Kanban, eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum Software Development

August 24, 2023 · 1 min · 56 words

🔗 Dutch Reach Project

Dutch Reach Project – Promote the Dutch method to prevent doorings A site to promote the Dutch far-hand habit to avoid dooring cyclists, or drivers or passengers from stepping into on-coming traffic.

March 30, 2017 · 1 min · 32 words

📺 Ângulo morto nos retrovisores

Reportagem sobre o “ângulo morto” ou “ponto cego” nos retrovisores de um carro: Um estudo realizado em São Paulo, identificou uma forma bastante simples de se eliminar um problema enfrentado por praticamente todos os motoristas. — TV Globo

March 15, 2011 · 1 min · 38 words