📜 It’s a great day to make a mistake
It’s a great day to make a mistake. Jennifer Gresham (via The perfectionism cure – Everyday Bright )
It’s a great day to make a mistake. Jennifer Gresham (via The perfectionism cure – Everyday Bright )
Willpower and cognitive processing draw from the same pool of resources. (…) Since both willpower/self-control and cognitive tasks drain the same tank, deplete it over here, pay the price over there. One pool. One pool of scarce, precious, easily-depleted resources. If you spend the day exercising self-control (angry customers, clueless co-workers), by the time you get home your cog resource tank is flashing E. (via Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony )
The Way of the Peaceful Parent :zenhabits Peace isn’t a place with no stress, but a place where you take the stress as it comes, in stride, and don’t let it rule you. You let it flow through you, and then smile, and breathe, and give your child a hug.
You know the only people who are always sure about the proper way to raise children? Those who’ve never had any. Bill Cosby (via The Way of the Peaceful Parent :zenhabits )