📺 Charles Moreland on Parkour

Charles Moreland puts the right note into Parkour and displaces common myths about it.

September 3, 2012 · 1 min · 14 words

📋 “Méthode Naturelle” as the root of fitness by natural body movement

Georges Hébert (1875-1957) developed the " Méthode Naturelle " as a physical education system in the early 1900’s and to create apparatus and exercises to teach his “Natural Method”, composed of exercises belonging to the 10 fundamental groups: walking running jumping quadrupedal movement climbing equilibrium (balancing) throwing lifting defending swimming Raymond Belle (1939-1999) closely followed the teachings of Georges Hébert ’s “méthode naturelle”, learning how best to overcome obstacles fluidly in a natural environment, to become a renowned firefighter of extraordinary athleticism and ability, dedicating his life to physical well being:...

August 31, 2012 · 2 min · 342 words