🔗 Backlog size is inversely proportional to how often you talk to customers

Backlog size is inversely proportional to how often you talk to customers As with anything, these are not absolute truths but born out of my experience. Replace planning time with talking to customers Reduce time spent on UI design; focus on technical component design instead How you think people use your app is different than how they use it Implement account spoofing Page one real estate is critical to a seamless experience Your customer is your most important marketer MVPs are pointless if you’re not going to iterate on them There is no point to having a large backlog because the bigger the backlog, the higher the unvalidated assumptions, and the lower the chance that it creates any customer value....

January 24, 2024 Â· 2 min Â· 286 words

🏞 Minimum Viable Product

A minimum viable product doesn’t mean half finished. It’s doing small number of things to a high standard. @boagworld — Vala Afshar Original tweet: A minimum viable product doesn't mean half finished. It's doing small number of things to a high standard. @boagworld pic.twitter.com/Vr703OaZ1R — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) June 2, 2015

June 14, 2015 Â· 1 min Â· 51 words

🔗 High Scalability – Expandability: Steve Wozniak’s Biggest Success and Nolan Bushnell’s Biggest Regret

High Scalability – Expandability: Steve Wozniak’s Biggest Success and Nolan Bushnell’s Biggest Regret Lesson: Think Geek The lesson: when your grownup self compels you to be lean and create something minimally viable – think geek. It may not make your accountants happy, but your “just because it seems like a great thing” idea might be exactly what you need to become more successful than you can possibly imagine.

September 30, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 68 words

🔗 Interactive Application Architecture Patterns

Interactive Application Architecture Patterns The Model-View-Controller , Model-View-Presenter , and Presentation-Abstraction-Control patterns are similar in many ways, but have each evolved to address slightly different concerns. This article discusses each pattern along with its history and design motivations to encourage the correct understanding and application of these patterns.

July 29, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 48 words