🔗 How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless

How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless Step 1: How can you create something of value in a market better than what’s out there? Step 2: When you do that, how can you reach your potential audience? If you can answer “yes” to both, do you have something you think you’ll enjoy, and can make an amount of money that may be interesting to you? Cool. Jump in....

February 19, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 72 words

🔗 What is the “irreducible core” of Bitcoin? | Richard Gendal Brown

What is the “irreducible core” of Bitcoin? | Richard Gendal Brown The world’s first internet-scale decentralized platform for value exchange … … implemented on a decentralized global asset register … which is a decentralized consensus system Perhaps Digital Scarcity is the irreducible essence.

February 12, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 43 words

📺 9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact

(via 9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact) ( Source: https://www.youtube.com/ )

October 15, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 17 words

🔗 How to Evaluate a (paid) iPhone App Idea – Tony Wright’s Startup Front-End

How to Evaluate a (paid) iPhone App Idea – Tony Wright’s Startup Front-End So, should you launch a paid app? Maybe. Every entrepreneur is different. If you want to build a big/impactful business, it’s not the right path (…). If what you want is a bootstrapped freedom-from-employment effort or are passionate about an idea that’s a lousy fit for in-app purchases, paid apps are a great path.

July 28, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 67 words

🔗 Startup Death Clock

Startup Death Clock The startup death clock tells you what day your startup will run out of money.

April 24, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 18 words

🔗 Startup Exercise: What can’t be solved with money?

Startup Exercise: What can’t be solved with money? (…) show how the important problems facing your business are those that can be solved with money, because money is what they’re providing . Even if you’re not pitching this is a useful exercise, because if you’re good at the things money can’t buy, you’ll remain competitive even when confronted by a well-funded competitor. (…) The pattern: concepts , behaviors , knowledge , and process cannot be fabricated with money, and possibly cannot even be accelerated....

April 24, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 105 words