πŸ”—Β Karpman drama triangle

Karpman drama triangle - Wikipedia The Karpman drama triangle is a social model of human interaction proposed by San Francisco psychiatrist, Stephen B. Karpman in 1968. The triangle maps a type of destructive interaction that can occur among people in conflict. … The triangle of actors in the drama are persecutors, victims, and rescuers. Drama triangle proposed by the psychiatrist Stephen B. Karpman Karpman described how in some cases these roles were not undertaken in an honest manner to resolve the presenting problem, but rather were used fluidly and switched between by the actors in a way that achieved unconscious goals and agendas....

January 7, 2025 Β· 2 min Β· 226 words

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Customer Self Service Achieving significant revenue at a low price point naturally entails driving complexity and cost out of the purchase to clear the floodgates for high volume. **Transactional Sales ** As price increases, customers become less willing to part with their cash without at least knowing there are actual trustworthy human beings behind your website URL. **Enterprise Sales ** While most SaaS startups gravitate toward transactional sales or customer self-service, some SaaS startups have products that provide so much value per customer and are so complex to buy that their natural starting point is traditional enterprise sales....

January 13, 2013 Β· 1 min Β· 108 words