🔗 Explore vs Execute

Explore vs Execute | A Smart Bear The two main business modalities are more different than you expect. When you hit PMF, it’s a culture-shift to switch from one to the other. … So, what needs to be done? A radical shift in working style, from “Explore” to “Execute”: Explore Figuring out what works, as quickly and flexibly as possible. Execute Becoming excellent at doing what works, while scaling. Explore vs Execute #...

January 6, 2025 Â· 2 min Â· 270 words

🔗 Rivers and buckets

Rivers and buckets - Sketchplanations It’s impossible to keep up with everything. Consider thinking of areas of your life like rivers, not buckets. Oliver explains rivers not buckets in “Treat your to-read pile like a river”. (from the Oliver Burkeman article above) The problem, as the critic Nicholas Carr explained, isn’t filter failure. It’s filter success. In a world of effectively infinite information, the better you get at sifting the wheat from the chaff, the more you end up crushed beneath a never-ending avalanche of wheat....

April 7, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 184 words