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Ignorado na hotelaria e no desporto Recusado em lotarias Omitido em autocarros, aviões, ruas e edifícios Os supersticiosos temem-no Os triscaidecafóbicos sofrem com ele Mas ninguem se recorda de que a 13 de janeiro de 1969 os BEATLES lançaram o álbum Yellow submarine Que o rato Mickey nasceu num dia 13 Que, em cada ano, a lua dá 13 órbitas completas à terra Que, numa terça feira, dia 13, começou a unificação das duas Alemanhas...

August 30, 2013 · 1 min · 115 words

📜 It’s a great day to make a mistake

It’s a great day to make a mistake. Jennifer Gresham (via The perfectionism cure – Everyday Bright )

August 28, 2013 · 1 min · 18 words

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Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise. (via Seth’s Blog: Millions of words and only six emotions )

August 6, 2013 · 1 min · 18 words

📜 We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still

We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. Taoist Proverb (via Garr Reynolds – Lessons from the Bamboo – TEDxTokyo )

August 2, 2013 · 1 min · 31 words

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Willpower and cognitive processing draw from the same pool of resources. (…) Since both willpower/self-control and cognitive tasks drain the same tank, deplete it over here, pay the price over there. One pool. One pool of scarce, precious, easily-depleted resources. If you spend the day exercising self-control (angry customers, clueless co-workers), by the time you get home your cog resource tank is flashing E. (via Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony )

July 31, 2013 · 1 min · 74 words

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey (1932-2012) Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think win-win Seek first to understand and the to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw … and the eighth habit is to: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs Old, but timeless!

July 17, 2013 · 1 min · 57 words

📺 Sam Richards – A Radical Experiment in Empathy

Step outside of your tiny little world. Step inside of the tiny little world of somebody else. And then do it again, and do it again, and do it again (…) And suddenly without realizing it you’re seeing the world differently. Everything has changed. Everything in your life has changed. TEDxPSU – Sam Richards – A Radical Experiment in Empathy (by TEDxTalks ) ( Source: https://www.youtube.com/ )

July 15, 2013 · 1 min · 67 words

📜 “inspiration” also means to breathe in. (…) But don’t forget to breathe out

“inspiration” also means to breathe in. (…) But don’t forget to breathe out. Derek Sivers in Seeking inspiration?

July 5, 2013 · 1 min · 18 words

📜 You can measure a man’s character by the choices he makes under

You can measure a man’s character by the choices he makes under pressure Winston Churchill

July 4, 2013 · 1 min · 15 words

📜 Role is something you play, model is something that you make. Both of

Role is something you play, model is something that you make. Both of those things are fake. Russell Brand, paraphrasing Tupac Shakur in the “Home Affairs Committee Drug Evidence, April 24 2012”

June 25, 2013 · 1 min · 32 words

📺 Apple – Making a difference. One app at a time.

Apple – Making a difference. One app at a time. (by Apple ) THIS!

June 13, 2013 · 1 min · 14 words

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(via Just For Fun: ADHD and Routine )

April 14, 2013 · 1 min · 8 words

📺 a show :: thoughts on the creative career

(via a show :: thoughts on the creative career ) If you wanna be something, start being it. (…) Not tomorrow, but today! Get your work in front of other people (…) you really respect. When you get a criticism, you don’t have to take all of it, or none of it. You get to piece it a apart and take the part which you think are valuable and throw away the ones you think aren’t really worth it....

April 12, 2013 · 1 min · 123 words

🔗 You Are Boring — The Magazine

You Are Boring — The Magazine A few years ago, I had a job that involved listening to a ton of podcasts. (…) The people who were interesting told good stories. They were also inquisitive: willing to work to expand their social and intellectual range. Most important, interesting people were also the best listeners. They knew when to ask questions. (…) Here are the three things they taught me. Listen, then ask a question...

April 11, 2013 · 2 min · 306 words

📺 Cal Newport at World Domination Summit 2012

Cal Newport speaks at World Domination Summit 2012 (by Chris Guillebeau) At minute 30:41 If something is interesting to you, and if it looks like it will give interesting options if you start to do well and you start to become valuable, that’s good enough! That’s all you need for that particular job, that field, or that major, to be the foundation of a remarkable life.

February 13, 2013 · 1 min · 66 words

📜 I’ll be honest with you. I love Jesus but I drink a little. 😃

I’ll be honest with you. I love Jesus but I drink a little. 😃 Gladys from Austin, Texas ( Ellen’s Favorite Moments: Meeting Gladys )

January 31, 2013 · 1 min · 25 words

📜 Only be as organized as you need to. No more

Only be as organized as you need to. No more. (via The greatest advice I’ve ever had on self-management )

January 31, 2013 · 1 min · 20 words

🔗 Chuck Blakeman / Why Our Favorite Questions Keep Us On The Treadmill

Chuck Blakeman / Why Our Favorite Questions Keep Us On The Treadmill If you only ask the first four questions, you are likely to only make enough money to pay your mortgage. If you ask the last two, “when” and “why”, every time you ask the others, you are likely to build a business a real that makes money when you’re not around. Get off the treadmill. Ask when and why all the time....

January 7, 2013 · 1 min · 74 words

🔗 If You Don’t Design Your Career, Someone Else Will | LinkedIn

If You Don’t Design Your Career, Someone Else Will | LinkedIn Step 1: Review the year, month by month. Step 2: Ask, “What is the news?” Look over your list and reflect on what is really going on. Step 3: Ask “What would I do in my career if I could do anything?” Step 4: Go back and spend a bit more time on Step 3. Step 5: Write down six objectives for next year and place them in priority order....

January 2, 2013 · 1 min · 109 words

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The slightly painful truth is, at any one time there is only one piece of real estate we can “own” in another person’s mind. People can’t think of us as a project manager, professor, attorney, insurance agent, editor and entrepreneur all at exactly the same time. They may all be true about us but people can only think of us as one thing first. At any one time there is only one phrase that can follow our name....

December 20, 2012 · 1 min · 122 words