🏞 What I’ve Learned About Venture Funding | Bothsides of the Table

VC funding. Our perspectives on the topic wax and wane […] Source: What I’ve Learned About Venture Funding | Bothsides of the Table

August 29, 2015 · 1 min · 23 words

🔗 Learn Ruby with the Neo Ruby Koans

Learn Ruby with the Neo Ruby Koans Great way to lean Ruby by fixing errors in set of well thought of unit tests.

May 13, 2015 · 1 min · 23 words

📜 Try to learn something about everything and everything about

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. Thomas Henry Huxley (via Donald Knuth )

February 22, 2015 · 1 min · 17 words

🔗 Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours

Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours Learn X in Y minutes : Take a whirlwind tour of your next favorite language. Community-driven!

October 24, 2014 · 1 min · 25 words

📜 Immediately after every lecture, meeting, or any significant

Immediately after every lecture, meeting, or any significant experience, take 30 seconds — no more, no less — to write down the most important points. Sonra Oku (via The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact — Medium )

March 8, 2014 · 1 min · 39 words

📺 Flexible Muscle-Based Locomotion for Bipedal Creatures

Flexible Muscle-Based Locomotion for Bipedal Creatures (by John Goatstream ) We present a muscle-based control method for simulated bipeds in which both the muscle routing and control parameters are optimized. This yields a generic locomotion control method that supports a variety of bipedal creatures. All actuation forces are the result of 3D simulated muscles, and a model of neural delay is included for all feedback paths. As a result, our controllers generate torque patterns that incorporate biomechanical constraints....

January 17, 2014 · 1 min · 117 words

📋 Learn to Code

Online interactive resources to learn programming: Learn | Code.org — Beginners (concepts), HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, Codecademy — HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, Ruby Learn Code The Hard Way — Python, Ruby, C, SQL, Regex, CLI Try Ruby: learn the basics of the Ruby language in your browser

January 16, 2014 · 1 min · 47 words

🏞 Questions vs. Answers

{width=“789” height=“1100” srcset=“tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280.jpg 789w, tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280-215x300.jpg 215w, tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280-734x1024.jpg 734w” sizes="(max-width: 789px) 100vw, 789px"} Is it better to have lots of “questions” or to be full of “answers”? See the full comic strip @ A DAY AT THE PARK | Kostas Kiriakakis

January 3, 2014 · 1 min · 40 words

🏞 (image)

This brings us to the magical three step process for becoming an expert at anything: Watch someone Try it yourself and experiment Teach someone else (via Programming Your Brain: The Art of Learning in Three Steps | BitNative ) See also another image representation:

December 17, 2013 · 1 min · 44 words

🔗 CodeRunner — krillapps

CodeRunner — krillapps Edit and run code in any programming language with just a single click. With CodeRunner, it has never been easier to write and test code, run scripts, work with algorithms, or simply experiment with a new coding or scripting language.

September 20, 2013 · 1 min · 43 words

📜 It’s a great day to make a mistake

It’s a great day to make a mistake. Jennifer Gresham (via The perfectionism cure – Everyday Bright )

August 28, 2013 · 1 min · 18 words

🔗 Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free

Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free Language courses for free and for fun in a crowdsourced translations site with embedded game mechanics.

May 8, 2013 · 1 min · 28 words

🏞 (image)

(via Memorizing a programming language using spaced repetition software | Derek Sivers ) I’ve been doing this for a year, and it’s the most helpful learning technique I’ve found in 14 years of computer programming. See also: Janki Method – Using spaced repetition systems to learn and retain technical knowledge. Effective learning: Twenty rules of formulating knowledge Software: Anki – friendly, intelligent flashcards

March 20, 2013 · 1 min · 63 words

🔗 Learnable Programming

Learnable Programming Programming is a way of thinking, not a rote skill. Learning about “for” loops is not learning to program, any more than learning about pencils is learning to draw. People understand what they can see. If a programmer cannot see what a program is doing, she can’t understand it. Excellent essay about programming “without blindfolds”.

October 23, 2012 · 1 min · 57 words

🔗 Study Hacks » You Know What You Write: The Textbook Method for Ultra-Learning

Study Hacks » You Know What You Write: The Textbook Method for Ultra-Learning In two cases I spent roughly the same amount of time trying to learn new knowledge. In one case, I efficiently mastered a new area, while in another, I ended up frustrated. The comparison highlights the power of a simple act: describing and organizing information in your own words.

August 26, 2012 · 1 min · 62 words

🔗 Harvard Classics (Bookshelf) – Gutenberg

Harvard Classics (Bookshelf) – Gutenberg The Harvard Classics, originally known as Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf, is a 51-volume anthology of classic works from world literature, compiled and edited by Harvard University president Charles W. Eliot, that was first published in 1909. Dr. Eliot, then President of Harvard University, had stated in speeches that the elements of a liberal education could be obtained by spending 15 minutes a day reading from a collection of books that could fit on a five-foot shelf....

August 14, 2012 · 1 min · 103 words

📜 À primeira cai quem não sabe, à segunda quem se esquece, à terceira

À primeira cai quem não sabe, à segunda quem se esquece, à terceira quem merece! Hugo Ferreira (adapted)

January 30, 2012 · 1 min · 18 words


Errar e aprender é humano! Só “errar” é como a mosca a bater no vidro… no vidro… no vidro… no vidro…

January 30, 2012 · 1 min · 21 words

📜 If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying

If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying Bob Dylan

November 14, 2011 · 1 min · 11 words

📜 If you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room

If you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Fabien Lasserre ( @flhke ) on Twitter

August 26, 2011 · 1 min · 20 words