📜 We tend to regret things we didn’t do over things we did do

We tend to regret things we didn’t do over things we did do. — Several different authors in Wisdom Trove Ask “What if?” and follow through

June 5, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 26 words

📜 Inspiration is perishable… Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk

Inspiration is perishable
 Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk: It has an expiration date. Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson (via REWORK: The new business book from 37signals. ) If you want to do something, you’ve got to do it now. You can’t put it on a shelf and wait two months to get around to it. You can’t just say you’ll do it later. Later, you won’t be pumped up about it anymore....

February 21, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 75 words

🔗 How to Steal Killer Sales Copy Straight from Your Prospects’ Mouths

How to Steal Killer Sales Copy Straight from Your Prospects' Mouths What’s in these 2 warehouses? Pure copywriting gold. 
 Also known as “customer reviews”. Warehouse #1: Amazon Reviews Most services are tied, in some way, to products. So if you offer a service, read the related product reviews, and steal from there. For example: If you offer a project management service, mine reviews for books about how to manage projects If you offer a directory of professionals – like AnyFu or Sortfolio – pull from reviews of biographies of the legends in those professions If you have a deal-of-the-day site, spend a little time on Amazon reviews for every product you host every day If you’re an unknown fashion designer on Etsy, pull from clothing reviews that highlight the things people want when they don’t care about big brands and labels If you’re a freelance graphic designer, find new ways to express your value by reading the reviews for Adobe Photoshop and for books on DIY design Warehouse #2: AppStore Reviews If you’re in the mobile app, digital product or game business, the AppStore is loaded with customer reviews that will help you write sick copy that resonates with prospects....

January 22, 2014 Â· 3 min Â· 513 words

📜 “inspiration” also means to breathe in. (…) But don’t forget to breathe out

“inspiration” also means to breathe in. (
) But don’t forget to breathe out. Derek Sivers in Seeking inspiration?

July 5, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 18 words


Make the transition from learning to thinking to creating! Jacob Barnett in Forget What You Know, at TEDxTeen – YouTube

July 5, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 20 words

📜 Role is something you play, model is something that you make. Both of

Role is something you play, model is something that you make. Both of those things are fake. Russell Brand, paraphrasing Tupac Shakur in the “Home Affairs Committee Drug Evidence, April 24 2012”

June 25, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 32 words

📜 If you’re lost and alone

If you’re lost and alone Or you’re sinking like a stone Carry on May your past be the sound Of your feet upon the ground Carry on Fun. (in “Carry On”, Some Nights )

December 20, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 34 words

🔗 Don’t ignore your dreams

Don’t ignore your dreams; don’t work too much; say what you think; cultivate friendships; be happy. Paul Graham On the palliative care Nurse post Regrets of the Dying

August 9, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 28 words

🔈 chillout by zefrank

Update 2023-07-31: Internet Archive 2022-12-05 For everyone who feels overwhelmed! chillout by zefrank chillout by zefrank the story of the making of chillout can be found here :: www.zefrank.com/chillout/

April 24, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 29 words

🏞 (image)

think more, talk less (by Gabi Agu ) wisdom is one of the rarest commodities these days

February 20, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 17 words

đŸ“ș Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on TED.com Well, as a result, the way we think, the way we act, the way we communicate is from the outside in. It’s obvious. We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing. But the inspired leaders and the inspired organizations — regardless of their size, regardless of their industry — all think, act and communicate from the inside out....

November 14, 2010 Â· 1 min Â· 108 words

📜 Always ask yourself “is this the best you can do?”

Always ask yourself “is this the best you can do?”. ?

July 14, 2009 Â· 1 min Â· 11 words

  1. Be Genuine

Be Genuine\ Hustle\ Persue Your Passion\ Delegate\ Watch the Tools\ Be the Expert Gary Vaynerchuk (via JasonKeath.com) ^1^ Be true to yourself. ^2^ Put in more work than the other guy. ^3^ If you are not working on what you love, you won’t make it. ^4^ Learn how to partner and connect with others to get it done. ^5^ “Always pay attention to the nerds, when the nerds talk I listen....

April 17, 2009 Â· 1 min Â· 91 words

📜 The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that (
) Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese’s (via Quotations from Famous Entrepreneurs on Entrepreneurship )

April 17, 2009 Â· 1 min Â· 34 words

📜 Porque atĂ© um relĂłgio parado estĂĄ certo duas vezes por dia

Porque atĂ© um relĂłgio parado estĂĄ certo duas vezes por dia Boss AC, “MantĂ©m-te Firme”

July 25, 2008 Â· 1 min Â· 15 words

📜 Tou farto de ser artista, **da-se

Tou farto de ser artista, **da-se Boss AC, “Farto de 

July 25, 2008 Â· 1 min Â· 11 words