📜 Plans vs. Planning

Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. — Dwight Eisenhower Quote Investigator The details of a plan which was designed years in advance are often incorrect, but the planning process demands the thorough exploration of options and contingences. The knowledge gained during this probing is crucial to the selection of appropriate actions as future events unfold.

April 29, 2024 · 1 min · 56 words

🔗 How to Determine If the Balls You’re Juggling Are Rubber or Glass

How to Determine If the Balls You’re Juggling Are Rubber or Glass | Eblin Group Rubber balls bounce. Glass balls shatter. You can drop the rubber balls and usually recover easily enough. Drop a glass ball and you’re likely done with that one. The visual metaphor of juggling rubber balls and glass balls is easy to grasp. It still raises the issue, though, of how do you tell the difference between the two?...

March 26, 2024 · 1 min · 115 words