🔗 App Demo Videos, iOS App Trailers and App Marketing | Apptamin

Update 2023-07-31: Internet Archive 2023-07-21 App Demo Videos, iOS App Trailers and App Marketing | Apptamin Get more users with a professional app video that promotes your app and explains how it works.

February 21, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 33 words

📜 Inspiration is perishable… Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk

Inspiration is perishable… Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk: It has an expiration date. Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson (via REWORK: The new business book from 37signals. ) If you want to do something, you’ve got to do it now. You can’t put it on a shelf and wait two months to get around to it. You can’t just say you’ll do it later. Later, you won’t be pumped up about it anymore....

February 21, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 75 words

🔗 How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless

How to Create a Business that Prints Money | Forever Jobless Step 1: How can you create something of value in a market better than what’s out there? Step 2: When you do that, how can you reach your potential audience? If you can answer “yes” to both, do you have something you think you’ll enjoy, and can make an amount of money that may be interesting to you? Cool. Jump in....

February 19, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 72 words

📜 The default state of any new idea is failure. It’s the execution–the

The default state of any new idea is failure. It’s the execution–the fight against inertia–that matters. Dustin Curtis (via The Fight ) It’s so easy to get stuck in the waiting place, putting things off until later, even when those things are vitally important to making your dreams come true. But the truth is that, in order to make progress, you need to physically and mentally fight against the momentum of ordinary events ....

January 26, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 147 words

🔗 Ideas are just a multiplier of execution | Derek Sivers

Ideas are just a multiplier of execution | Derek Sivers To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions. AWFUL IDEA = -1 WEAK IDEA = 1 SO-SO IDEA = 5 GOOD IDEA = 10 GREAT IDEA = 15 BRILLIANT IDEA = 20 NO EXECUTION = $1 WEAK EXECUTION = $1000 SO-SO EXECUTION = $10,000 GOOD EXECUTION = $100,000 GREAT EXECUTION = $1,000,000...

December 12, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 106 words

🔗 Watch — Everything is a Remix

Watch — Everything is a Remix Everything is a Remix is produced by me, Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker. This site is a companion piece to the four-part video series. See also Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix | Video on TED.com

May 17, 2013 Â· 1 min Â· 42 words

📺 Brain Crack

Brain Crack (Explicit Version) :: Best of the Show :: 07-11-06 (by zefrank1)

May 9, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 13 words

🔗 The Affinity Diagram (KJ Analysis)

The Affinity Diagram (KJ Analysis) Affinity diagram – Wikipedia : The tool is commonly used within project management and allows large numbers of ideas stemming from brainstorming to be sorted into groups, based on their natural relationships, for review and analysis.

February 24, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 41 words

🔗 Why the QR code is failing – iMediaConnection.com

Why the QR code is failing – iMediaConnection.com The current uses of QR codes are just not cutting it. What we’re missing is a killer campaign that will train people to use their phones to scan.

October 22, 2011 Â· 1 min Â· 36 words

📜 Ideas without implementation are merely fantasies

Ideas without implementation are merely fantasies. — Hugo Ferreira

June 9, 2009 Â· 1 min Â· 9 words