🔗 #GamerGate [Online] Survival Guide | Jon Jones, smArtist

#GamerGate [Online] Survival Guide | Jon Jones, smArtist Here is a quick, streamlined guide on how to keep yourself safe online and make harassing you and tracking you down much more difficult. Two-factor authentication on everything. Password manager for unique, difficult passwords. Install PrivacyFix. Lock down old Facebook posts and adjust your privacy settings. Domain name whois guard. Delete old accounts. Check the internet for your personal information. Use a VPN....

November 23, 2014 · 1 min · 96 words

🔗 LukeW | Touch Gesture Reference Guide

LukeW | Touch Gesture Reference Guide The Touch Gesture Reference Guide is a unique set of resources for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces. The guide contains: an overview of the core gestures used for most touch commands how to utilize these gestures to support major user actions visual representations of each gesture to use in design documentation and deliverables an outline of how popular software platforms support core touch gestures

July 10, 2012 · 1 min · 74 words

🔗 Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley

Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley But what is ‘design’ actually? Is it a logo? A WordPress theme? An innovative UI? It’s so much more than that. It’s a state of mind. It’s an approach to a problem. It’s how you’re going to kick your competitor’s ass. This handy guide will help you understand design and provide resources to help you find awesome design talent.

April 5, 2012 · 1 min · 69 words