🔗 What is the “irreducible core” of Bitcoin? | Richard Gendal Brown

What is the “irreducible core” of Bitcoin? | Richard Gendal Brown The world’s first internet-scale decentralized platform for value exchange … … implemented on a decentralized global asset register … which is a decentralized consensus system Perhaps Digital Scarcity is the irreducible essence.

February 12, 2014 Â· 1 min Â· 43 words

🔗 The Digital↔Physical: On building Flipboard for iPhone and Finding Edges for Our Digital Narratives — by Craig Mod

The Digital↔Physical: On building Flipboard for iPhone and Finding Edges for Our Digital Narratives — by Craig Mod All the digital intangibility of iPhone development is inscribed into this eight pound book, wrapped in an immutability. It’s a digital-physical. An explosion of months of ethereality into something human parseable.

March 30, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 49 words