🏞 Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling

“Little Billy Ignore Instructions” by Philippe Schrettenbrunner (LinkedIn) Remember Little Bobby Tables? I think he has a sibling. Just some iPad doodles. Stay safe, sanitize all inputs. (Original xkcd comic: Exploits of a Mom) [aka “Little Bobby Tables”] School: Hi, this is your son’s school. We’re having some computer trouble. Parent: Oh dear - did he break something? School: In a way…. Did you really name your son “William Ignore All Previous Instructions....

June 4, 2024 · 1 min · 122 words

🏞 ISO 8601: Date format

“xkcd: ISO 8601” by Randall Munroe (xkcd) Public service announcement: Our different ways of writing dates as numbers can lead to online confusion. that’s why in 1988 iso set a global standard numeric date format. This is the correct way to write numeric dates: 2013-02-27

September 17, 2023 · 1 min · 45 words

🏞 Reactions to New Technology

August 4, 2015 · 0 min · 0 words

🏞 Boogieman

somecallmekek: great sacrifices must be made

February 24, 2015 · 1 min · 6 words

🏞 Questions vs. Answers

{width=“789” height=“1100” srcset=“tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280.jpg 789w, tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280-215x300.jpg 215w, tumblr_myu2n8D3J21qz82meo1_1280-734x1024.jpg 734w” sizes="(max-width: 789px) 100vw, 789px"} Is it better to have lots of “questions” or to be full of “answers”? See the full comic strip @ A DAY AT THE PARK | Kostas Kiriakakis

January 3, 2014 · 1 min · 40 words

🏞 Every new technology…

{width=“259” height=“430” srcset=“tumblr_mnp35oEU9p1qz82meo1_400.png 259w, tumblr_mnp35oEU9p1qz82meo1_400-181x300.png 181w” sizes="(max-width: 259px) 100vw, 259px"} Maybe before we rush to adopt <insert new tech here> we should stop to consider the consequences of blithely giving this technology such a central position in out lives. (via xkcd: Insight )

June 1, 2013 · 1 min · 43 words

🏞 (image)

Graphic violence in the media Does it glamorize violence? Sure. Does it desensitize us to violence? Of course. Does it help us tolerate violence? You bet. Does it stunt our empathy for our fellow beings? Heck yes. Does it cause violence?… Well, that’s hard to prove. The trick is to ask the right question!

March 14, 2013 · 1 min · 54 words

🏞 Text from Dog


January 7, 2013 · 1 min · word

🏞 When will we forget?

{width=“340” height=“1059” srcset=“tumblr_m8wgn0BWUk1qz82meo1_1280.png 340w, tumblr_m8wgn0BWUk1qz82meo1_1280-96x300.png 96w, tumblr_m8wgn0BWUk1qz82meo1_1280-329x1024.png 329w” sizes="(max-width: 340px) 100vw, 340px"} By this year _____, the majority of americans will be too young to remember _____. (via xkcd: Forget )

August 17, 2012 · 1 min · 31 words

🔗 Mind-boggling XKCD April Fools comic : comics

Mind-boggling XKCD April Fools comic : comics If you go visit xkcd it may appear to be just a normal, though perhaps surprisingly relevant comic. But in fact, there’s a massive set of comics that appears based on your location, browser, and other unknown variables.

April 2, 2012 · 1 min · 45 words