🔗 Seth’s Blog: More trouble than it’s worth

Seth’s Blog: More trouble than it’s worth In five words, that’s one secret to delight. When you do the work that others can’t possibly imagine doing, you set yourself apart. Seeking out the things that are more trouble than most people think they’re worth is a powerful place to be. The hard part, of course, is actually doing something that appears to be far more trouble than it’s worth.

March 12, 2015 · 1 min · 69 words

🔗 Mind-boggling XKCD April Fools comic : comics

Mind-boggling XKCD April Fools comic : comics If you go visit xkcd it may appear to be just a normal, though perhaps surprisingly relevant comic. But in fact, there’s a massive set of comics that appears based on your location, browser, and other unknown variables.

April 2, 2012 · 1 min · 45 words