🔗 Animated Knots
Animated Knots Knots sorted by activity, such as boating, climbing, fishing, decoration. Features animations of knots tied in several orientations…
Animated Knots Knots sorted by activity, such as boating, climbing, fishing, decoration. Features animations of knots tied in several orientations…
Navicat – Premium Overview – A cross-database admin and data migration GUI admin tools. It supports MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, SQL Azure, Oracle & PostgreSQL for Windows, Mac OS X & Linux – Download Now! Navicat Premium is a multi-connections Database Administration tool allowing you to connect to MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases simultaneously within a single application, making database administration to multiple kinds of database so easy....
(via Psychology of color for designers – Design Leadership blog ) Color plays a major role in our visual perception as it influences our reactions about world around us. A fundamental grasp of color perception and psychology in graph and web design is therefore critical in ore to create palettes that evoke the appropriate audience reactions.
iPhone Game Development Tutorials | 71² Video screencasts of iPhone Game Development tutorials.
(…) flow is completely focused motivation. Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be on the ball, in the moment, present, in the zone, wired in, in the groove, or keeping your head in the game . Flow theory postulates three conditions that have to be met to achieve a flow state: One must be involved in an activity with a clear set of goals. (…) The task at hand must have clear and immediate feedback....
Out Loud | Rands In Repose Say the following out loud right now: I am reading this out loud to no one in particular. Were you surprised to hear your voice? I was. Did you actually read it out loud? No? Why not? Sitting in a coffee shop? Worried that the guy next to you will think you’re a freak? (…) You still haven’t read it out loud, have you?
" I Want to Break Free " (Queen)
3D Transforms and Animations in CSS … using WebKit keyframes to set up a perpetual animation effect in 3D space
A good carpenter is only as good as its tools; A bad carpenter is only as good as its skill. Popular Saying
Transition Timing Functions is CSS This article follows on from the related article on Animation using CSS Transforms and investigates the transition-duration and transition-timing-function properties which control, respectively, the duration and speed at which a transition is carried out.