🔗 HTML-Ipsum
HTML-Ipsum Dummy HTML constructs for common idioms.
HTML-Ipsum Dummy HTML constructs for common idioms.
https://vimeo.com/24320919 billwesterman : helloyoucreatives : Its just a simple plot device. Couldn’t stop watching! ( Source: https://player.vimeo.com/ )
Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ (YouTube video) Add years to your life, and life to your years
It’s never too late to be who you might have been. George Eliot English novelist (1819 – 1880)
I Don’t Want To Be Motivated By Anyone But Myself Motivation is made up of two factors: personal structure – meaning values and principles learned in family, things learned studying or making experiences – and consciousness – meaning the capacity of recognizing and dealing with problems.
{width=“852” height=“595” srcset=“tumblr_lnlixkcYZy1qz82meo1_1280.png 852w, tumblr_lnlixkcYZy1qz82meo1_1280-300x210.png 300w” sizes="(max-width: 852px) 100vw, 852px"} (via The Ground Zero Mosque | Bonkers World )
{width=“980” height=“955” srcset=“tumblr_lnli8bLT6F1qz82meo1_1280.png 980w, tumblr_lnli8bLT6F1qz82meo1_1280-300x292.png 300w” sizes="(max-width: 980px) 100vw, 980px"} (via Organizational Charts | Bonkers World )
crankyangela : Vector Social Media Icons This free set includes 80 icons of the most popular social media networks on the internet. The icons are designed in 32px and 16px vector format. With the vector format, you can scale the icon to any size to fit with your design or use it in high quality print materials.
CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator You can edit the underlined values in this css file, but don’t worry about making sure the corresponding values match, that’s all done automagically for you. Whenever you want, you can copy the whole or part of this page and paste it.
Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator A powerful Photoshop-like CSS gradient editor from ColorZilla.