📺 Crazy Nuts Illusion!
Crazy Nuts Illusion! (by brusspup ) ( Source: https://www.youtube.com/ )
Crazy Nuts Illusion! (by brusspup ) ( Source: https://www.youtube.com/ )
robsheridan: A time-lapse of the view out Hitchcock’s “Rear Window,” meticulously compiled with footage from the film. Wow. Go full-screen HD for best results. More information on how it was made. UAU! Amazing. ( Source: https://player.vimeo.com/ )
How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries (by TEDEducation ) ( Source: https://www.youtube.com/ )
Mind-boggling XKCD April Fools comic : comics If you go visit xkcd it may appear to be just a normal, though perhaps surprisingly relevant comic. But in fact, there’s a massive set of comics that appears based on your location, browser, and other unknown variables.
The Way of the Peaceful Parent :zenhabits Peace isn’t a place with no stress, but a place where you take the stress as it comes, in stride, and don’t let it rule you. You let it flow through you, and then smile, and breathe, and give your child a hug.
You know the only people who are always sure about the proper way to raise children? Those who’ve never had any. Bill Cosby (via The Way of the Peaceful Parent :zenhabits )
The Digital↔Physical: On building Flipboard for iPhone and Finding Edges for Our Digital Narratives — by Craig Mod All the digital intangibility of iPhone development is inscribed into this eight pound book, wrapped in an immutability. It’s a digital-physical. An explosion of months of ethereality into something human parseable.
TodoMVC – A common learning application for popular JavaScript MV* frameworks (…) a project which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today. Solutions look and feel the same, have a common simple feature-set and make it easy for you to compare the syntax and structure of different frameworks so you can select the one you feel the most comfortable with....
masteradept: FYI – from Sgt. Mad Dog Tracy – As the Chalk Leader for my flight home from Afghanistan, I witnessed the following: When we were on our way back from Afghanistan, we flew out of Baghram Air Field. We went through customs at BAF, full body scanners (no groping), had all of our bags searched, the whole nine yards. Our first stop was Shannon, Ireland to refuel. After that, we had to stop at Indianapolis, Indiana to drop off about 100 folks from the Indiana National Guard....
(via A VC: The Startup Curve )