🔈 chillout by zefrank

Update 2023-07-31: Internet Archive 2022-12-05 For everyone who feels overwhelmed! chillout by zefrank chillout by zefrank the story of the making of chillout can be found here :: www.zefrank.com/chillout/

April 24, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 29 words

🔗 Startup Death Clock

Startup Death Clock The startup death clock tells you what day your startup will run out of money.

April 24, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 18 words

🔗 Startup Exercise: What can’t be solved with money?

Startup Exercise: What can’t be solved with money? (…) show how the important problems facing your business are those that can be solved with money, because money is what they’re providing . Even if you’re not pitching this is a useful exercise, because if you’re good at the things money can’t buy, you’ll remain competitive even when confronted by a well-funded competitor. (…) The pattern: concepts , behaviors , knowledge , and process cannot be fabricated with money, and possibly cannot even be accelerated....

April 24, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 105 words

🔗 AverĂ­a – The Average Font

Avería – The Average Font This is the story of the creation of a new font, Avería: the average of all the fonts on my computer.

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 26 words

🔗 Max Schrems: The Austrian Thorn In Facebook’s Side – Forbes

Max Schrems: The Austrian Thorn In Facebook’s Side – Forbes Description of the extent to which Facebook records and keeps information on it’s users, i.e. “nothing is ever deleted”! See also: Facebook Keeps A History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You, Along With A Lot Of Other Data – Forbes

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 51 words

🔗 Never say “no,” but rarely say “yes.”

Never say “no,” but rarely say “yes.” So the principle is easy: Set the conditions of “yes” such that: If they say “yes,” you’re happy because the terms or money are so good, it more than compensates for the distraction, possibly even funding the thing you really want to do. If they say “no,” you’re happy because it wasn’t a great fit anyway, so it’s not worthwhile for a small return on your time and effort....

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 2 min Âˇ 229 words

🔗 Skeuomorphism & Storytelling / Tobias Bjerrome Ahlin

Skeuomorphism & Storytelling / Tobias Bjerrome Ahlin It is often said that design should be invisible. More importantly, design should empower. An interface that is not only easy to use, but fun to use, engages the user and creates an experience where obstacles are easier to overcome, and thus an experience where the product is easier and more effortless to use. Done right, skeuomorphism can retain the simplicity and ease of use of an interface while empowering users to act....

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 99 words

🔗 The full story of “the one important thing” for startups

A startup can focus on only one metric. So you have to decide what that is and ignore everything else. Noah Kagan, in The full story of “the one important thing” for startups At a little company there’s no time for small changes achieving small goals. — Jason Cohen

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 49 words

📜 Your time is $1000/hour, and you need to act accordingly

Your time is $1000/hour, and you need to act accordingly. Jason Cohen , founder of WP Engine in How should a startup founder value her time?

April 23, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 26 words

🔗 Instagram and Optimizing Favicons | Zoompf

Instagram and Optimizing Favicons | Zoompf “Lesson #1: Don’t forget your favicon.” But optimizing your website’s favicon goes beyond just making sure you don’t forget it. Below are 5 recommendations for optimizing your favicon, plus two bonus tips, to optimize your website’s favicon. Make sure it exists. Make sure it is compatible. Make sure it is cacheable. Make sure it is the right size. Make sure to serve it using compression....

April 20, 2012 Âˇ 1 min Âˇ 86 words