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(via Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies ) Ver também, em português: Não cometerás uma falácia lógica! | COMCEPT
(via Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies ) Ver também, em português: Não cometerás uma falácia lógica! | COMCEPT
Meteor – A new way to build apps. Meteor is a set of new technologies for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started. Pure JavaScript. Live page updates. Clean, powerful data synchronization. Latency compensation. Hot Code Pushes. Sensitive code runs in a privileged environment. Fully self-contained application bundles. Interoperability. Smart Packages.
Brain Crack (Explicit Version) :: Best of the Show :: 07-11-06 (by zefrank1)
Expressing UX Concepts Visually :: UXmatters Words and Objects are not Enough Why Visuals are Important A More Visual Approach to Communicating UX Concepts (…) I hope using these ideas will help you to make your UX deliverables more visual—and your concepts more readily understandable to your clients and stakeholders. I believe this greater understanding will help you to get buy-in for your concepts more quickly and easily.
Test Drive the RubyMotion Console An in-browser demo of the RubyMotion REPL built on Pieceable Viewer.
QueryPosts – better WordPress code reference More comprehensive and up-to-date than Codex. More friendly and convenient than raw code and cross-references.
pathod pathod is a pathological HTTP/S daemon, useful for testing and torturing HTTP clients. (…) The simplest way to use pathod is to fire up the daemon, and specify the response behaviour you want using this language in the request URL.
“The illusion of choice.”
Dodd’s Blog: How My Side Project Generated Sales and 66,000 Unique Visitors in 1 Month doddcaldwell: At the end of February, I launched a side project, Loft Resumes, with a friend of mine, Emory Cash. Our tagline is “Style-Conscious Resumes for the Standout Job Seeker.” As you can tell from the Google Analytics screenshot below, from the time that we first tweeted about it on February 21st to mid-day March 31st, we’ve received over 81,000 visits (over 66,000 of them uniques,) and over 209,000 page views....
Chartaca – Instant Real Time Charts There’s no registration, you just start using it. You don’t even have to ask for a chart. Just generate a new UUID and start sending data. (…) All you have to do is paste an img tag onto your site. You can create as many charts as you like. Track everything. (…) Dynamically load the image using JavaScript to track user actions. On the server-side, HTTP GET the image URL programmatically....