📜 Good architecture
A good architecture allows major decisions to be deferred! Robert Cecil Martin Or putting it in another way… A good architecture maximizes the number of decisions NOT made.
A good architecture allows major decisions to be deferred! Robert Cecil Martin Or putting it in another way… A good architecture maximizes the number of decisions NOT made.
How to Evaluate a (paid) iPhone App Idea – Tony Wright’s Startup Front-End So, should you launch a paid app? Maybe. Every entrepreneur is different. If you want to build a big/impactful business, it’s not the right path (…). If what you want is a bootstrapped freedom-from-employment effort or are passionate about an idea that’s a lousy fit for in-app purchases, paid apps are a great path.
Pues la utopĂa sirve para eso, para caminar! Fernando Birri (via Eduardo Galeano )
SOLID (object-oriented design) A mnemonic acronym introduced by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s: S : Single responsibility principle — “an object should have only a single responsibility.” O : Open/closed principle — “software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification.” L : Liskov substitution principle — “objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.” (see also design by contract ) I : Interface segregation principle — “many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface....
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Mobile App Feedback | Atlassian JIRA Mobile Connect JIRA Mobile Connect is a free, open-source library for collecting feedback and engaging with your mobile users to improve the quality of your application. “Free” for anyone using JIRA .
Providing Live Touch Feedback in iOS App Demos Using TOUCHkit Reflection -style recordings lack any indication of the user’s touch and visual focus. To deal with this, I developed TOUCHkit. TOUCHkit provides a live touch feedback layer for demonstration use.
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Install and manage WordPress with Git Manage themes and plugins in a git repository, while at the same time keep a reference to the core WordPress files, and allow it to be as easy to update when a new version is released.
Era uma vez Um gato maltês Tocava piano E falava francês Queres que te conte outra vez? Era uma vez Um gato maltês Saltou-te às barbas [“Fez xixi na cuecas”?] Não soube o que fez Queres que te conte outra vez? Era uma vez Um gato maltês Tocava piano Falava françês A dona da casa Chamava-se Inês O número da porta era o 33! Queres que te conte outra vez?...