📜 The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the

The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. Tom Cargill, Bell Labs (the Ninety-ninety rule )

May 3, 2013 · 1 min · 38 words

🔗 The Only Two Secrets to Motivating Yourself You’ll Ever Need : zenhabits

The Only Two Secrets to Motivating Yourself You’ll Ever Need : zenhabits And those two things are so deceptively simple that you might decide to stop reading after I name them: 1) make things enjoyable and 2) use positive public pressure . Also, reframing things can go a long way into motivating someone to do something they really don’t wan’t to do!

May 3, 2013 · 1 min · 62 words

🔗 Camels and Rubber Duckies – Joel on Software

Camels and Rubber Duckies – Joel on Software The answer is really complicated. I’m going to start with a little economic theory, then I’m going to tear the theory to bits, and when I’m finished, you’ll know a lot more about pricing and you still won’t know how much to charge for your software, but that’s just the nature of pricing.

May 2, 2013 · 1 min · 61 words

🔗 73.6% of all Statistics are Made Up — How to Interpret Analysts Reports

73.6% of all Statistics are Made Up — How to Interpret Analysts Reports The problem of skewing results: (…) How is it skewed? There are so many ways to present data to tell the story you want that I can’t even list every way data is skewed. Here are some examples: You ask a small sample set so that data isn’t statistically significant . This is often naiveté rather than malicious You ask a group that is not unbiased....

April 21, 2013 · 2 min · 378 words

🔗 Facebook Home prototyped in Quartz Composer – Tutorial

Facebook Home prototyped in Quartz Composer – Tutorial Facebook Home is prototyped with Quartz Composer (by Facebook), @DaveOBrien_ (a design student from Ireland) reverse engineered it and made 5 tutorials explaining how it’s done!

April 20, 2013 · 1 min · 34 words

🏞 (image)

Lowering your price may help you increase revenue, but lower it too much and you cost yourself money. (via Understanding App Store Pricing — Part 3 — Jury.me ) Loosely speaking, we refer to situations where a percentage change in price leads to a larger percentage change in quantity sold as elastic. Situations where a the percentage change in price and quantity sold are roughly equal are called unit elastic....

April 15, 2013 · 1 min · 130 words

🏞 (image)

(via Just For Fun: ADHD and Routine )

April 14, 2013 · 1 min · 8 words

🔗 The Simplest and Most Effective Method of All? – Blog – Get Everything Done

The Simplest and Most Effective Method of All? – Blog – Get Everything Done 3 + 2* Write down three tasks Do the first two in order Add another two tasks (so there are three tasks again) Do the first two in order Repeat ad infinitum (…) I myself have found it works best for me the less I consult them [ lists ]. This is because every time I do two tasks the method requires me to think carefully about what I should do next....

April 14, 2013 · 1 min · 126 words

📺 a show :: thoughts on the creative career

(via a show :: thoughts on the creative career ) If you wanna be something, start being it. (…) Not tomorrow, but today! Get your work in front of other people (…) you really respect. When you get a criticism, you don’t have to take all of it, or none of it. You get to piece it a apart and take the part which you think are valuable and throw away the ones you think aren’t really worth it....

April 12, 2013 · 1 min · 123 words

📋 For the week of April 04, 2013

I must admit my heart sank a little bit a lot when saw this on my RescueTime “Weekly Summary” email… Oh dear! “Notepad”? Really?!? Sounds like a clear case of corporactivitis to me 🙁 For The Week Of April 04, 2013Top applications and websites: 13h 06m — wiki.netpost 6h 16m — NotePad 5h 01m — MS Excel 3h 39m — MS Outlook 2h 09m — Windows Explorer

April 11, 2013 · 1 min · 67 words