🔗 iOS 7 Development Tips, Tricks & Hacks

iOS 7 Development Tips, Tricks & Hacks Like with any new iOS version there are a bunch of new tricks and hacks to work out. Here are a few things that weren’t immediately obvious to me, it’s in no way a complete set, just things that I happened to come across.

September 19, 2013 · 1 min · 51 words

🔗 Stand In. Prototyping that doesn’t suck.

Stand In. Prototyping that doesn’t suck. Prototypes that feel native, straight from Photoshop.

September 19, 2013 · 1 min · 13 words

🔗 Touch Keyboard Type ‘Cheat Sheet’ – Labs – Baymard Institute

Touch Keyboard Type ‘Cheat Sheet’ – Labs – Baymard Institute HTML5 code and demos for invoking different touch keyboards depending on input type

September 19, 2013 · 1 min · 23 words

🔗 Typography in ten minutes — Butterick’s Practical Typography

Typography in ten minutes — Butterick’s Practical Typography This is a bold claim, but i stand behind it: if you learn and follow these five typography rules, you will be a better typographer than 95% of professional writers and 70% of professional designers. (The rest of this book will raise you to the 99th percentile in both categories.) All it takes is ten minutes—five minutes to read these rules once, then five minutes to read them again....

September 19, 2013 · 1 min · 92 words

🔗 The Holocaust: What are the most convincing bits of evidence which prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Holocaust occurred? – Quora

The Holocaust: What are the most convincing bits of evidence which prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Holocaust occurred? – Quora No Nazi was ever a Holocaust denier. This one, simple fact shows that everything the modern deniers try to claim is a post hoc contrivance. From 1945 onwards, thousands of Nazis were captured and hundreds tried for their part in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. They tried to pretend they were someone else, they tried to pretend they didn’t know what was happening, they tried to pretend they didn’t have as much to do with it as others, they tried to claim they were just following orders and they tried to justify it as “the kind of thing that happens in war”....

September 17, 2013 · 1 min · 139 words

🔗 Tools | Developer Economics Developer Economics

Tools | Developer Economics Developer Economics Boost development speed Test your idea & get feedback Before launch After launch Get more users Distribute your app Promote your app Monetize your app Monitor your app’s success Expand to new markets

September 17, 2013 · 1 min · 39 words

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Cooperation vs. Collaboration The cycling pelaton is a classic example of cooperation (as opposed to everybody’s favourite, collaboration). The members of the pelaton do not have a shared objective: each member wants a different person to finish first. Nonetheless, they individuals have a better chance of succeeding if they work with the group – even with a group of competitors – than they would working on their own. And (note) they do not work as a team (despite what this post says) even though they share thre workload, communicate proactively, and engage with each other....

September 1, 2013 · 1 min · 132 words

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If you want to make a mobile app for an iOS device, you are operating at the intersection of software, design, and Apple’s particular development philosophy and tools. True competency requires successfully drawing on key concepts from each of these areas (and filling in your own blanks). (via Everything a Competent iOS Developer Needs to Know [Graphic] )

August 31, 2013 · 1 min · 58 words

🔗 Zach Waugh: Preventing Xcode from building with #error

Zach Waugh: Preventing Xcode from building with #error zachwaugh: (…) I wanted Xcode to not even build the app if conflicting conditions were enabled. I came across the #error preprocessor directive which does exactly that, and can be used like this: #if defined(APP_STORE) && defined(BETA) #error Beta enabled for App Store build! #endif

August 31, 2013 · 1 min · 53 words

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Ignorado na hotelaria e no desporto Recusado em lotarias Omitido em autocarros, aviões, ruas e edifícios Os supersticiosos temem-no Os triscaidecafóbicos sofrem com ele Mas ninguem se recorda de que a 13 de janeiro de 1969 os BEATLES lançaram o álbum Yellow submarine Que o rato Mickey nasceu num dia 13 Que, em cada ano, a lua dá 13 órbitas completas à terra Que, numa terça feira, dia 13, começou a unificação das duas Alemanhas...

August 30, 2013 · 1 min · 115 words